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Development of human powered flying vehicle/ Muhammad Luthfi Muslim Abd Razak

Development of human powered flying vehicle_Muhammad Luthfi Muslim Abd Razak _A2_2015_NI
Tujuan projek ini adalah untuk membangunkan kenderaan terbang menggunakan kuasa manusia dengan mengkaji konfigurasi kipas, arah pusingan kipas, kedudukan manusia dan jenis gantungan. Selain itu, beberapa komponen yang sedia ada telah diubahsuai untuk serasi dengan reka bentuk seperti sistem bebola dan sistem aci, sistem gear dan lain-lain. Satu prototaip asas telah dibina. Selain itu dalam projek ini akan lebih fokus kepada pembangunan struktur kerangka. Oleh itu penumpuan tegasan pada struktur kerangka adalah salah satu faktor penting risiko kegagalan. Tujuan analisis yang telah dijalankan adalah untuk mengenal pasti lokasi tumpuan tegasan maksimum berdasarkan kepada sifat Von tersasar menggunakan perisian analisis unsur terhingga. Dalam kajian ini, kesan tiga keadaan iaitu keadaan perlanggaran keras, keadaan diatas tanah dan terapung dengan syarat udara telah diketahui. Tegasan Von Mises dalam semua keadaan ditentukan dan lokasi penumpuan tegasan maksimum adalah sekitar bolt tengah yang memegang struktur. Tegasan maksimum ditubuhkan pada keadaan atas tanah dan keadaan terapung di udara adalah nilai yang sama iaitu 98 MPa dan nilai minimum adalah 10.9 MPA manakala bagi nilai pendaratan kuat adalah kali dua kali dari kedua-dua keadaan kerana beban yang bertindak ke atas pendaratan kuat keadaan adalah dua kali ganda daripada beban asal mereka. Di samping itu, keputusan ubah bentuk menunjukkan bahawa terdapat berlaku anjakan kecil iaitu 3.48 mm dengan keadaan atas tanah, 6.96 mm dalam keadaan pendaratan kuat dan 3.44 mm keadaan terapung di udara. Keputusan program telah disahkan dengan pengiraan tangan dan mendapati bahawa perbezaan antara kedua-dua kaedah adalah lebih rendah daripada 5% oleh itu hasil program itu boleh diterima. Selain itu, dengan membandingkan nilai maksimum Von Mises dengan nilai tegangan maksimum menunjukkan bahawa struktur kerangka tidak akan mengalami kegagalan. ______________________________________________________________________________________ The purpose of this project is to develop a human powered flying vehicle by studying the configuration of the propeller, propellers blade rotational directional, human position and types of hangpoint. Besides that, some of existing components have been modified in order to be compatible to the design such as bearing and shaft system, transmission system and so on. One basic prototype of human powered has been developed. Additionally, this project will be focusing on the development of the frame structure. Thus stress concentration on the frame structure is one of the important failure risk factor. The aim of the analysis that was carried out was to identify the location of the maximum stress concentration according to the Von Mises criterion using finite element analysis software. In this study, the effect of three conditions which are hard landing condition, ground condition and cruising on the air condition were explored. The Von Mises stresses in all condition were determined and the location of the maximum stress concentration is around the middle bolt that holds the structure. The maximum stresses obtained from the FEA for the ground condition and cruising on the air condition are the same value which are 98 MPa and minimum value are -10.9 MPa while for the hard landing condition the value is twice from both conditions since the load acting on the hard landing condition is two times from their original load. In addition, the deformation results show that occurrence of small displacements which are 3.48 mm for the ground condition, 6.96 mm for hard landing condition and 3.44 mm for cruising on the air condition. The software results were verified with the hand calculation and were found that the difference between both methods is lower than 5% thus the software result is considered acceptable. Besides that, from the FEA the Von Mises stresses is found to be lower than the yield strength of the material therefore the frame structure is not going to fail.
Muhammad Luthfi Muslim Abd Razak - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Subject Keywords:
flying vehicle ; propellers blade ; Von Mises
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Aerospace Engineering
Number of Pages - 79
License Grantor / Date Granted:
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Date Deposited
2019-09-05 15:51:13.562
Nor Hayati Ismail

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Development of human powered flying vehicle/ Muhammad Luthfi Muslim Abd Razak1 2019-09-05 15:51:13.562