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Design, fabricate and test a short range rocket /Mohd Faukhrool Ri Radzi Idris

Design, fabricate and test a short range rocket_Mohd Faukhrool Ri Radzi Idris_A2_2011_NI
Roket telah dicipta sejak lama dahulu oleh lagi orang Cina dah Arab, dan telah digunakan di dalam peperangan. Hari ini, roket telah menjadi satu phenomena normal terutama di negara-negara barat sebagai hobi. Roket diperbuat daripada kayu balsa, aluminium dan kadbod dan kebiasaanya, roket mengandungi badan roket, sirip, muatan, motor, cakera memusat, cakera tujahan dan sistem pemulihan. Penyelidikan ini dijalankan untuk fabrikasi badan roket dan sirip mengunakan gentian kaca sebagai bahan utama kerana gentian kaca mempunyai nisbah kekuatan terhadap berat yang tinggi. Dalam proses rekaan, pusat graviti dan pusat tekanan mestilah ditentukan agar dapat menghasilkan roket yang stabil semasa penerbangan. Pusat graviti dan pusat tekanan dapat ditentukan dengan mengunakan persamaan Barrowman yang mana pereka roket amatur mengunakannya sebagai ramalan awal. Selepas proses penentuan pusat graviti dan pusat tekanan, proses fibrikasi akan di ambih alih. Fabrikasi badan roket dan sirip dilakukan dengan menggunakan pelbagai jenis gentian kaca. Cakera memusat dan cakera tujahan dilakukan dgn mengunakan proses mesin – mesin melarik. Manakala, pentas pelancaran diperbuat daripada aluminium dan PVC. Simulasi penerbangan juga dilakukan dengan mengunakkan program RocketSim. Penerbangan sebenar akan dilakukan untuk melihat prestasi roket setelah kesemua parameter ditentukan dan proses fabrikasi tamat, Segala penambahbaikan terhadap rekaan roket akan dilakukan pada masa hadapan agar prestasi roket lebih baik dari sebelumnya. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Rocket was invented for long time ago by the ancient Chinese and Arabs and has been used in war. Now, it becomes a normal phenomenon around the world especially in West Country as a hobby. The rocket usually made of balsa wood, aluminum and cardboard and usually rocket consists of fuselage, fin, payload, motor, thruster disc, centering disc and the recovery system. This research is to fabricate the rocket body and the fins by using the fiber glass as the main material since the fiber glass has a higher strength to weight ratio. In designing the rocket, the center of gravity and center of the pressure must be determined so the rocket will stable during flight. Center of gravity and center of pressure can determine by using the Barrowman Equation where it usually used as the first prediction by the amateur rocket builder. After the center of gravity and center of pressure was determined, the fabrication of the rocket part will take place. Certain type of glass has been used to fabricate the tube body and the rocket fins. Centering disc and thruster disc was fabricated by machining process - lathe machine. While, the launch pad was fabricate by using aluminum and PVC. The simulation of flight profile was done by using RocketSim. After all the parameters have been determined and fabrication process has finished, the real flight test will take over to see the performance of the rocket. Further improvement in rocket design will be made in the future to make sure the rocket performance is better than before.
Mohd Faukhrool Ri Radzi Idris - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Subject Keywords:
rocket ; fiber glass ; tube body
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Aerospace Engineering
Number of Pages - 114
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2019-07-29 12:22:28.269
Nor Hayati Ismail

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Design, fabricate and test a short range rocket /Mohd Faukhrool Ri Radzi Idris1 2019-07-29 12:22:28.269