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Development of the adjustable engine mount for the ultra-light helicopter

Development of the adjustable engine mount for the ultra-light helicopter / Nur Zhafirah Azahar
Tujuan tesis ini adalah untuk mereka bentuk, menganalisis dan membina pemegang enjin yang boleh dilaraskan untuk helikopter muatan ringan. Pelaras enjin ini mesti berupaya untuk menyokong beban enjin ROTAX 582 UL DCDI dan sistem kotak gear enjin yang secara keseluruhan adalah kira-kira 70 kg. Pelaras enjin ini direka bentuk supaya ia mampu bergerak pada paksi sisi dan membujur. Projek ini menggunakan konsep Pengalihan Berat (WSC) yang biasanya digunakan untuk pesawat ringan. Walau bagaimanapun, daripada mengawal berat juruterbang untuk mengawal pesawat, pelaras enjin ini dikawal dengan mengalihkan kedudukan enjin. Simulasi analisis dilaksanakan menggunakan perisian SOLIDWORK. Analisis ini dijalankan untuk melihat sama ada struktur pelaras enjin boleh menyokong beban yang dikenakan atau gagal melaksanakan kawalan seperti yang dimahukan. Kaedah analisis pengiran juga diaplikasikan dalam tesis ini untuk membandingkan dan mengesahkan struktur secara manual dengan keputusan analisis dari simulasi. Apabila membandingkan analisis dan kaedah analisis simulasi, tekanan pelaras enjin mempunyai perbezaan peratusan sebanyak 2.19%. Dalam proses pembinaan pelaras enjin, semua bahan dan peralatan dalam reka model boleh diperoleh di bengkel Aeroangkasa. Tesis ini menyediakan kaedah terperinci dalam membina pelaras enjin bagi helikopter muatan ringan bermula dari konsep reka bentuk hingga ke pembuatan struktur pelaras enjin. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ The purpose of this thesis is to design, analyze and fabricate an adjustable engine mount for an ultra-light helicopter. The engine mount must be able to support the load of ROTAX 582 UL DCDI engine and the engine gearbox system which in total is about 70 kg. The engine mount is designed so that it is capable of being shifted longitudinally and rotated circumferential around the center post. The circumferential rotation indirectly have the effect of lateral displacements. This project uses the concept of Weight Shift Control (WSC) that is commonly used for a hang glider. However, instead of controlling the weight of the pilot, this WSC project is controlled by shifting the position of the engine. The analysis is done using the SOLIDWORK software. The analysis is performed to observe whether the structure of the engine mount can support the applied load or fail to perform as required. The analytical method is also calculated in this thesis to compare and verify the structure manually with the analysis result. When comparing the analytical and the analysis method, the stress of the engine mount have a percentage difference of 2.19%. In fabrication process, all the material and equipment in fabricating the model are available in the Aerospace workshop. This thesis provides detail method in developing the engine mount of an ultra-light helicopter starting from the conceptual design to the final fabrication of the engine mount structure.
Nur Zhafirah Azhar - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Barcode : 00003107252
Accession Number : 875007337
Subject Keywords:
ultra-light helicopter; engine mount; Weight Shift Control
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Aerospace Engineering
Number of Pages - 79
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2018-03-19 10:32:42.645
Date Last Updated
2020-06-22 16:40:45.28
Mohd Jasnizam Mohd Salleh

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Thumbnail Name Version Created Date
Development of the adjustable engine mount for the ultra-light helicopter1 2018-03-19 10:32:42.645