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Modeling and control of lane keeping system for autonomous vehicle

Modeling and control of lane keeping system for autonomous vehicle / Sharmin Ahmed
Kawalan kenderaan darat autonomi telah menjadi salah satu topik kajian yang paling penting sejak kebelakangan ini. Di antara kebanyakan ciri-ciri, laluan kenderaan darat ini telah menarik perhatian para penyelidik untuk kegunaan yang lebih meluas di dalam kereta-kereta penumpang untuk mengurangkan kemalangan dan kesesakan lalu lintas. Dalam kajian ini, satu model matematik kenderaan darat telah dihasilkan daripada sisi dinamik. Sudut panduan dan lengkungan jalan masing-masing bertindak sebagai kawalan masukan kenderaan dan gangguan masukan kenderaan. Kemudian, dengan bantuan kaedah kawalan konvensional, kenderaan dapat dikawal mengikut laluan yang ditetapkan. Seterusnya, model kawalan ramalan diaplikasikan untuk mengawal model kenderaan. Bagi kedua-dua pendekatan konvensional dan kawalan ramalan, kestabilan dan kemantapan sistem kawalan litar tertutup telah dilakukan di atas jalan yang kering dan juga basah. Bagi tujuan analisis keteguhan, kebarangkalian parametrik ditambah ke dalam model kenderaan di mana pekali geseran jalan-tayar dan jarak di hadapan dianggap sebagai parameter yang tidak tentu. Keteguhan kawalan kadaran, kamiran, dan bezaan adalah tidak memuaskan dalam kehadiran kebarangkalian parametrik tetapi model kawalan ramalan adalah cukup teguh dalam kehadiran kebarangkalian pekali geseran jalan-tayar dan jarak di hadapan. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Control of autonomous ground vehicle has been one of the most vital topic of research in recent times. Among many features, lane keeping of ground vehicle has caught the attention of the researchers for its immense need in the passenger cars to avoid accidents and congestion. In this research a mathematical model of ground vehicle is developed from the lateral dynamics. The steering angle and the road curvature acts as the control input and the disturbance input of the vehicle respectively. Then with the help of conventional control method the vehicle is controlled to keep the lane. Later, model predictive control is applied for controlling the vehicle model. For both conventional and model predictive control approaches, the stability and robustness of the closed loop control system is conducted on dry and wet road condition. For robustness analysis, parametric uncertainty is added in the vehicle model, where road-tire friction coefficient and look ahead distance are assumed as uncertain parameters. Robustness of the proportional, integral, derivative control is not satisfactory in the presence of parametric uncertainty but the model predictive controller is robust enough in the presence of uncertain road-tire friction coefficient and look ahead distance.
Sharmin Ahmed - Author
Primary Item Type:
Accession Number : 
Subject Keywords:
vehicle; lane; congestion
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Number of Pages - 231
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2019-11-12 11:57:13.805
Mohd Jasnizam Mohd Salleh

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Modeling and control of lane keeping system for autonomous vehicle1 2019-11-12 11:57:13.805