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Development and testing of swimming fish robot

Development and testing of swimming fish robot / Low Jianyan
Bidang "ethorobotics" ialah contoh yang menakjubkan tentang bagaimana robotik dapat menyediakan saintis dengan alat yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya untuk mempromosikan pemahaman mengenai makmal dan tingkah laku haiwan. Kerja-kerja yang dibentangkan dalam tesis ini ialah ikan robotik dengan propulsor berterusan yang dikendalikan oleh wayar dan digerakkan oleh mekanisme dawai biomimetik. Ekor ikan ini diperbuat daripada Expanded Polypropylene. Satu pasang garis memancing digunakan untuk meniru otot ikan dan mengawal ekor ikan. Selain itu, gerakan mengepak ekor boleh dikawal untuk bergerak. Seterusnya, eksperimen ini akan dijalankan dalam dua peringkat di mana peringkat pertama ialah fabrikasi seluruh ikan robotik yang termasuk badan ikan, ekor ikan dan integrasi semua peranti elektronik. Kemudian, prestasi ikan robotik akan dipelajari. Oleh itu, tahap kedua ialah analisis gerakan ikan robotik, maka dua ujian telah direka untuk menguji ikan robotik dalam persekitaran akuatiknya. Ujian pertama bertujuan untuk menilai keupayaan ikan robotik untuk berenang dengan lurus. Hasilnya ialah amplitud dan frekuensi mengepak semakin tinggi, semakin sukar bagi ikan robotik untuk berenang dengan lurus dan penyelewengan minima diperhatikan. Seterusnya, ujian kedua digunakan untuk menilai kemampuan berenang ikan robotik pada kelajuan berubah-ubah dan mewujudkan hubungan antara halaju berenang dan amplitud dan frekuensi mengepak. Daripada hasilnya, halaju maksimum ialah 0.0716π‘š/𝑠 pada amplitud 22.2Β° dan frekuensi 2.5𝐻𝑧. Ia juga menunjukkan bahawa halaju meningkat apabila frekuensi dan amplitud mengepak meningkat dalam julat 10.4Β° hingga 24.7Β° dan 1.0𝐻𝑧 kepada 2.5𝐻𝑧 masing-masing. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ The β€œethorobotics” field is an amazing example of how robotics can provide scientists with unprecedented tools to promote our understanding of laboratory and field animal behavior. The work presented in this thesis is a robotic fish with a wire-driven continuum flapping propulsor and actuated by the biomimetic wire-driven mechanism. The fishtail is made from Expanded Polypropylene. One pair of fishing lines are used to mimic the muscles of the fish and to control the tail flapping. In addition, the tail flapping motion can be controlled to move for propulsion, or for other purposes such as cruising. Next, the experiment was conducted in two stages where the first stage was the fabrication of the entire robot fish which includes the fish body, fishtail and integration of all the electronic devices. Then, the performance of the robotic fish was observed and studied. Thus, the second stage was the analysis of the motion of robotic fish. Therefore, two tests were designed to test the robotic fish in its aquatic environment. The first test aims to assess the ability of robotic fish to swim in a straight horizontal path. From the results, it is important to note that as the flapping amplitude and frequency increased, it was increasingly difficult for the fish robot to swim in a completely straight path and minimal deviation was observed. Next, the second test was used to evaluate the swimming capabilities of the fish robot at variable speeds and thus creating a relationship between the swimming velocity and the flapping amplitude and frequency of fishtail. From the results, the maximum cruising velocity was 0.0716π‘š/𝑠 at an amplitude of 22.2Β° and a frequency of 2.5𝐻𝑧. It was also shown that the cruising velocity increases as the flapping frequency and amplitude increase in the range of 10.4Β° to 24.7Β° and 1.0𝐻𝑧 to 2.5𝐻𝑧 respectively.
Low Jianyan - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Accession Number : 875008168
Subject Keywords:
ethorobotics; biomimetic; wire-driven
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Aerospace Engineering
Number of Pages - 108
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2019-07-09 16:00:36.564
Mohd Jasnizam Mohd Salleh

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Thumbnail Name Version Created Date
Development and testing of swimming fish robot1 2019-07-09 16:00:36.564