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BS ISO 230-4:1996 - Test code for machine tools - Circular tests for numerically controlled machine tools

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BS ISO 230-4:1996 is a British Standard that specifies a test code for evaluating the circular accuracy of numerically controlled (NC) machine tools. In particular, it focuses on conducting circular tests to assess the performance and accuracy of these machine tools. Here are the main points covered by this standard: Numerically Controlled Machine Tools: The standard is applicable to machine tools that are controlled by numerical control systems. These systems allow for precise and automated machining operations, making them crucial in various manufacturing industries. Circular Tests: The primary focus of this standard is on circular tests. Circular tests involve the machine tool's ability to accurately perform circular motions, which are commonly used in machining processes for tasks such as contouring, drilling holes, and producing circular features. Evaluation of Circular Accuracy: The standard provides procedures for conducting tests to evaluate the circular accuracy of NC machine tools. This includes measuring the deviation of the actual circular path produced by the machine from the intended or nominal circular path. Quality Control: The purpose of BS ISO 230-4:1996 is to help ensure that NC machine tools meet specific quality and precision requirements. Accurate circular motion is critical for maintaining the quality of machined parts and products. Test Code: The standard provides a test code, which is a set of procedures and guidelines for conducting circular tests to assess the circular accuracy of numerically controlled machine tools. The code may include measurement procedures, test setups, and acceptance criteria. BS ISO 230-4:1996 is a valuable standard for manufacturers, machine tool users, and quality control personnel in industries that rely on numerically controlled machine tools. It helps ensure that these machines can perform circular motions with the required accuracy, which is essential for producing parts that meet tight tolerances and specifications. For detailed instructions and guidelines on conducting circular tests, one would need to refer to the complete standard document.
NAAR - Data Entry Person
Primary Item Type:
British Standard
ISBN 0580270424
ICS 25.040.20 Numerically controlled machines
Subject Keywords:
Environment; Machine to be tested; Machine warm-up; Test parameters
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
British Standards Institution
Place Of Publication:
London, United Kingdom
Number of Pages - 12
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2023-10-17 08:25:41.256
Nurul Aini Abdul Rahman

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Thumbnail Name Version Created Date
BS ISO 230-4:1996 - Test code for machine tools - Circular tests for numerically controlled machine tools1 2023-10-17 08:25:41.256