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BS EN ISO 11568-1:1996 - Banking. Key management (retail) - Introduction to key management

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BS EN ISO 11568-1:1996 is a standard related to banking and key management, specifically focusing on the retail banking sector. This standard provides an introduction to key management practices in the context of retail banking. Here's an overview of the standard: The scope of BS EN ISO 11568-1:1996 is to introduce and provide guidance on key management practices specifically tailored to the retail banking industry. Key management is a crucial aspect of information security in the banking sector, and this standard sets the stage for understanding key management principles. Purpose: The primary purpose of this standard is to provide an introduction to the principles and concepts of key management in retail banking. Key management is essential for protecting sensitive financial and customer data, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of transactions, and safeguarding against security threats. Key Aspects Covered: Key Management Overview: The standard likely provides an overview of what key management entails in the context of retail banking, including the generation, distribution, storage, and disposal of cryptographic keys. Security Requirements: It may outline the security requirements and objectives that key management practices in retail banking must meet. This can include encryption, authentication, and protection against unauthorized access. Key Lifecycle: Introduction to the key lifecycle, including key generation, key distribution, key usage, and key disposal. Roles and Responsibilities: Guidance on the roles and responsibilities of individuals or teams involved in key management within a retail banking organization. Key Storage: Recommendations for secure key storage mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access to cryptographic keys. Key Backup and Recovery: Considerations for key backup and recovery procedures to ensure the availability of keys in case of unexpected incidents or system failures. Compliance: The standard may address compliance with relevant regulatory and industry standards related to key management in retail banking. Key Management Policies: Introduction to the development and implementation of key management policies and procedures within a retail banking organization. Training: Guidance on key management training and awareness programs for banking personnel involved in key management. Key Management Best Practices: Introduction to best practices and strategies for effective key management in the retail banking sector.
NAAR - Data Entry Person
Primary Item Type:
British Standard
ISBN 0580264394
ICS 35.240.40
Subject Keywords:
Purpose of security; Level of security; Key management objectives
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
British Standards Institution
Place Of Publication:
London, United Kingdom
Number of Pages - 12
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2023-09-21 14:46:31.804
Nurul Aini Abdul Rahman

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BS EN ISO 11568-1:1996 - Banking. Key management (retail) - Introduction to key management1 2023-09-21 14:46:31.804