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BS EN ISO/IEC 7810:1996 -Identification cards. Physical characteristics

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BS EN ISO/IEC 7810:1996 is a technical standard that specifies the physical characteristics of identification cards. It is part of the ISO/IEC 7810 series of standards that define various aspects of identification cards used in various industries and applications. ISO/IEC 7810:1996 defines the following: 1. Physical characteristics: The standard specifies the physical dimensions of identification cards, including their length, width, and thickness. It defines four card sizes: ID-1, ID-2, ID-3, and ID-000, where ID-1 is the most commonly used size for credit cards and identification cards. 2.Material properties: The standard outlines requirements for the card material, such as its flexibility, resistance to bending, and durability. This ensures that the cards can withstand typical usage and environmental conditions. 3.Surface distortion: The standard sets limits on acceptable surface distortion of identification cards to ensure that they are flat and do not have any significant irregularities. 4. Internal defects: It specifies criteria for acceptable internal defects that might be present in the cards during production, such as air bubbles and foreign particles. 5. Embossing: If the cards are embossed (raised characters or numbers), the standard defines requirements for the depth and location of the embossing. 6. Magnetic stripe and encoding: If present, the standard details the requirements for magnetic stripes on the cards, including their position, coercivity, and track structure. 7. Test methods: ISO/IEC 7810:1996 also includes some test methods to ensure compliance with the standard's requirements. 8. Keep in mind that standards are subject to updates and revisions. As of my last update in September 2021, the information provided above should be accurate. However, it is always essential to verify with the latest version of the standard to ensure you have the most up-to-date information.
NAAR - Author
Primary Item Type:
British Standard
Handle  35.240.15 Identification cards and related devices
ISBN  0580268357
Subject Keywords:
Magnetic cards; Shape; Surface defects; Credit cards; Dimensions; Identity cards; Cards; Information exchange; Machine-readable materials; Data media; Data processing; Physical properties of materials
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
British Standards Institution
Place Of Publication:
London, United Kingdom
Number of Pages - 5
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2023-07-27 07:37:22.155
Nurul Aini Abdul Rahman

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BS EN ISO/IEC 7810:1996 -Identification cards. Physical characteristics1 2023-07-27 07:37:22.155