DD ENV 41220:1994 : Information technology - Functional standard for profile A/MH31 - Message handling systems (1988 and later) - Electronic data interchange messaging service (EDIMS) - EDIM end system to EDIM end system (P EDI and P1)
Printed version of this standard is available at Library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
The purpose of functional profile is to recommend how certain information technology standards should be used to satisfy one or more specifies requirements.
DD ENV 41220:1994 : Information technology - Functional standard for profile A/MH31 - Message handling systems (1988 and later) - Electronic data interchange messaging service (EDIMS) - EDIM end system to EDIM end system (P EDI and P1)