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Development of an automated execution engine for unit testing using java/Muhammad Najmi Adnan

Development of an automated execution engine for unit testing using java_Muhammad Najmi Adnan_E3_2011_NI
Pengujian program memakan belanja yang besar. Sungguhpun begitu, pengujian masih perlu dilakukan bagi memastikan program atau sistem yang dibina menepati piawaian justeru mengelakkan sistem daripada tidak berfungsi atau rosak. Memandangkan pengujian program amat penting, pengekodan asal sebuah enjin pengujian automatik dikaji dan diubah suai. Enjin yang boleh menjalankan pengujian secara unit itu diperbaiki supaya beberapa pengujian yang berlainan dapat dijalankan serentak. Selain itu, enjin yang diubah suai turut berupaya bagi menyambung pengujian yang tidak selesai. Bagi memudahkan pengguna, penampilan bergrafik diterapkan kepada enjin pengujian automatik tersebut. Melalui penampilan bergrafik, pengguna tidak perlu menggunakan arahan bertulis bagi menjalankan pengujian. Setelah pengujian selesai, pengguna boleh memilih untuk memaparkan fail log atau memaparkannya pada waktu lain menerusi pengurus fail log. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Software testing is expensive and incurs lot of development costs. Despite the high costs, testing is still essential in order to ensure software follow requirements thus avoid malfunction and defect. Considering the importance of software testing, the existing application for automated execution engine in the case of unit testing is studied and then modified in order to make it possible for parallel execution and resumption of unfinished execution. Graphical User Interface (GUI) is incorporated in the execution tool so that the tool become more user-friendly and reduces the dependence on command-line to perform execution. Upon completion of the testing, the user can choose to view the produced log file instantly or to view it later on through the log manager.
Muhammad Najmi Adnan - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Subject Keywords:
Software ; costs ; execution.
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Number of Pages - 70
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2020-02-28 16:04:03.017
Nor Hayati Ismail

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Thumbnail Name Version Created Date
Development of an automated execution engine for unit testing using java/Muhammad Najmi Adnan1 2020-02-28 16:04:03.017