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BS EN 295-7:1996 - Vitrified clay pipes and fittings and pipe joints for drains and sewers - Requirements for vitrified clay pipes and joints for pipe jacking

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This part of this European Standard specifies requirements for flexibly jointed vitrified clay pipes for the constructin of pipelines by pipe jacking techniques including micro-tunneling, pipe-eating, pipe burrsting and where appropriate for slip-lining.
NAAR - Data Entry Person
Primary Item Type:
British Standard
ISBN 0580254313
ICS 23.040.50 Pipes and fittings of other materials
ICS 93.030 External sewage systems
ICS  23.040.05 Pipelines and its parts for external sewage systems
ICS 91.140.80 Drainage systems
Subject Keywords:
Compressive strength; Stress; Pipe fittings; Diameter; Marking; Dimensions; Designations; Pipes; Shear testing; Testing conditions; Sewers; Joints; Size; Pipe couplings; Thermal stability; Conformity; Drainpipes; Vitrified china; Pressure; Specimen preparation; Sleeves (mechanical components); Ceramics; Polypropylene; Test equipment; Internal; Tensile strength; Length; Fluid equipment; Dynamic loading; Watertightness tests; Loading; Deflection tests; Sealing materials; Stress relaxation; Straightness measurement
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
British Standards Institution
Place Of Publication:
London, United Kingdom
Number of Pages - 12
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2022-11-14 16:24:03.974
Nurul Aini Abdul Rahman

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BS EN 295-7:1996 - Vitrified clay pipes and fittings and pipe joints for drains and sewers - Requirements for vitrified clay pipes and joints for pipe jacking1 2022-11-14 16:24:03.974