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BS EN ISO 11963:1996 - Plastics. Polycarbonate sheets. Types, dimensions and characteristics

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BS EN ISO 11963:1996 is a standard that pertains to plastics, specifically focusing on polycarbonate sheets. This standard provides information regarding the types, dimensions, and characteristics of polycarbonate sheets. Here is an overview of this standard: Scope: The scope of BS EN ISO 11963:1996 is to establish guidelines and requirements related to polycarbonate sheets. These sheets are a type of plastic material commonly used in various applications, including glazing, signage, and protective barriers. Purpose: The primary purpose of this standard is to provide specifications and information about the different types of polycarbonate sheets, their dimensions, and their key characteristics. This information is essential for manufacturers, suppliers, and users of polycarbonate sheets to ensure proper selection and use of these materials. Key Aspects Covered: Types of Polycarbonate Sheets: The standard likely describes the various types or grades of polycarbonate sheets available, which may differ in terms of transparency, impact resistance, UV resistance, and other properties. Dimensions: Information on standard dimensions, thicknesses, and sizes of polycarbonate sheets that are commonly manufactured and available in the market. Characteristics: Specifications and characteristics of polycarbonate sheets, including mechanical properties (e.g., tensile strength, impact resistance), optical properties (e.g., transparency, light transmission), thermal properties, and other relevant parameters. Testing and Performance: Guidelines for testing and evaluating the performance of polycarbonate sheets according to established standards or test methods. Marking and Labeling: Recommendations for marking and labeling polycarbonate sheets to provide information about their type, grade, and compliance with relevant standards. Application Guidelines: While not typically a part of this type of standard, there may be some general recommendations or considerations for the appropriate applications of polycarbonate sheets based on their characteristics. Quality Assurance: Guidance on quality control and assurance measures for manufacturers and suppliers of polycarbonate sheets.
NAAR - Data Entry Person
Primary Item Type:
British Standard
ICS 83.140
ISBN 0580251659
Subject Keywords:
Requirements; Masking; Appearance; Colour
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
British Standards Institution
Place Of Publication:
London, United Kingdom
Number of Pages - 9
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2023-09-21 15:05:53.984
Nurul Aini Abdul Rahman

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BS EN ISO 11963:1996 - Plastics. Polycarbonate sheets. Types, dimensions and characteristics1 2023-09-21 15:05:53.984