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Development of reed–solomon codes encoding and decoding algorithm

Development of reed–solomon codes encoding and decoding algorithm / Boey Kean Hua
Pada masa kini, teknologi telah berkembang dan ia tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa hampir setiap produk telah tertanam dengan fungsi digital. Tanpa mengira saiz, setiap produk juga dilengkapi dengan alat-alat digital. Oleh itu, adalah sangat penting untuk memastikan penerima dapat menerima data yang betul dari pemancar. Mana-mana penghantaran isyarat juga akan mempunyai beberapa gangguan kerana bunyi dalam saluran yang digunakan. Tiada apa-apa yang boleh dilakukan untuk menghapuskan bunyi. Banyak algoritma dalam pengekodan dan penyahkodan data digital telah pun dibangunkan dan dari semua algoritma ini, terdapat pro dan kontra bagi setiap langkah. Oleh itu penilaian prestasi telah dilakukan untuk mengesahkan salah satu algoritma yang telah dibangunkan. Pertama, urutan input tunggal sistem kod Reed-Solomon dibina untuk menguji pengekodan dan penyahkodan kod Reed-Solomon dengan menentukan lokasi kesilapan dan nilai kesilapan. Kedua, pelbagai input sistem kod Reed-Solomon dibina dan dengan penggunaan saluran AWGN, prestasi keseluruhan sistem kod Reed-Solomon diuji. Daripada keputusan yang diperolehi, algoritma pengekodan berfungsi dengan baik tetapi algoritma penyahkodan mempunyai beberapa masalah apabila terdapat lebih daripada 2t kesilapan. Dengan keputusan kebarangkalian kesilapan menggunakan saluran AWGN, ia menunjukkan bahawa saluran AWGN itu berfungsi. Kesimpulannya, algoritma penyahkodan yang digunakan untuk projek ini menunjukkan bahawa terdapat keperluan untuk penambahbaikan dari segi mengesan lebih daripada 2t kesilapan. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nowadays, the technology has been evolved and it cannot be denied that almost every product has embedded with digital function. Regardless the size, every product is equipped with digital devices. Therefore, it is very essential to make sure that the receiver is able to receive the correct data from the transmitter. Any transmission of signal will also have some disruption because of the noise in the channel used. There is nothing that can be done to eliminate the noise. Many algorithms in encoding and decoding of digital data have already been developed and from all these algorithms, there are pros and cons for each measure. Hence a performance evaluation has been done to verify one of the algorithms that have been developed. Firstly, a single input sequence Reed-Solomon codes system is built to test the encoding and decoding of the Reed-Solomon codes by specifying the error location and error value. Secondly, multiple inputs Reed-Solomon codes system is built and with the use of AWGN channel, the performance of the whole Reed-Solomon code system is tested. From the results obtained, the encoding algorithm performed well but the decoding algorithm has some problems when there are more than 2t errors. With the result of the probability of the error using AWGN channel, it is shown that the AWGN channel is functioning. As a conclusion, the decoding algorithm used for this project shown that there are needs for improvement in terms of the detection of more than 2t errors.
Boey Kean Hua - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Accession Number : 875005139
Subject Keywords:
technology; digital; transmitter
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Number of Pages - 87
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2019-12-02 18:11:44.741
Mohd Jasnizam Mohd Salleh

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Development of reed–solomon codes encoding and decoding algorithm1 2019-12-02 18:11:44.741