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The development of on-board communication system for a cubesat

The development of on-board communication system for a cubesat / Sharfa Eliya Mohd Fadzil
Orang ramai menghantar satelit ke angkasa lepas dengan misi unik mereka sendiri yang memberikan faedah sebagai balasan. Kini IU CubeSat telah dipilih secara meluas kerana saiznya, keserasian, dan kos yang sangat rendah berbanding dengan satelit tradisional yang lain. Terdapat banyak subsistem yang menyumbang kepada pembangunan CubeSat yang merupakan sistem kuasa, muatan, termal, sistem komputer, struktur, pengendalian dan komunikasi data papan. Sistem komunikasi papan adalah sangat penting dalam memastikan CubeSat dapat beroperasi dengan baik. Agar satelit mencapai misinya, sistem komunikasi adalah penting untuk menghantar arahan dari stesen tanah ke satelit dan menghantar data ke stesen tanah. Sistem arahan dan pengendalian data juga berfungsi bersama sistem komunikasi, kerana data akan dihantar ke stesen tanah. Proses pembangunan CubeSat ini dipanggil MYSat termasuk dalam menentukan parameter reka bentuk, menjalankan eksperimen yang melibatkan asas kod Morse untuk CubeSat, dan menguji dan mencadangkan Pemancar dan Penerima RF 433MHz untuk sistem komunikasi di atas papan untuk CubeSat. Daripada penemuan ini, Pemancar RF dan 433MHZ Penerima boleh digunakan untuk CubeSat kerana ia beroperasi pada frekuensi sebenar untuk radio amatur. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ People sent satellite to the outer space with their own unique missions which gives benefits in return. Now a IU CubeSat has been chosen widely due to its size, compatibility, and very low in cost compared to other traditional satellites. There are many subsystems that contribute to the development of a CubeSat which are power system, payload, thermal, computer system, structure, on board data handling and communication. On board communication system is very crucial in making sure that the CubeSat can operates well. In order for the satellite to achieve its mission, the communication system is important for sending the command from ground station to the satellite and sending the data to the ground station. Since the mission of MYSat is to measure the electron-density in ionosphere E-layer, the data need to be collected to the ground station for further analysis. No communication system means no transmission data will happened and the mission will be unachievable. Command and data handling system also work together with the communication system, as the data will be transmitted to the ground station. The developing process of this CubeSat called MYSat includes in determining the design parameters, conduct experiments involving basic of Morse code for CubeSat, and test and propose RF Transmitter and Receiver 433MHz for on-board communication system for CubeSat. From the findings, the RF Transmitter and Receiver 433MHZ can be used for CubeSat since it operates at real frequency for amateur radio.
Sharfa Eliya Mohd Fadzil - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Accession Number : 875008182
Subject Keywords:
CubeSat; subsystems; communication
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Aerospace Engineering
Number of Pages - 85
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2019-07-09 17:05:18.827
Mohd Jasnizam Mohd Salleh

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The development of on-board communication system for a cubesat1 2019-07-09 17:05:18.827