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BS EN 50173:1996 - Information technology. Generic cabling systems

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BS EN 50173:1996 is a British Standard that specifies the requirements for generic cabling systems in commercial premises. It covers the design, installation, and testing of cabling systems for various applications, including voice, data, and video. The standard defines the various components of a cabling system, including cables, connectors, patch cords, and patch panels. It also specifies the performance characteristics of the cabling system, such as attenuation, crosstalk, and impedance. BS EN 50173:1996 is intended to ensure that cabling systems in commercial premises are reliable, flexible, and able to support a variety of applications. It provides guidance on the installation and testing of cabling systems to ensure that they meet the required performance standards. Since the publication of BS EN 50173:1996, there have been several revisions to the standard, including BS EN 50173-1:2018 and BS EN 50173-2:2018. These updated standards provide more detailed guidance on cabling systems for specific applications, such as data centers and intelligent buildings.
NAAR - Data Entry Person
Primary Item Type:
British Standard
ISBN  0580253910
ICS  33.040.50 Lines, connections and circuits
Subject Keywords:
Electric cables; Local area networks; Diameter; Calibration; Ring networks; Computer networks; Data transmission; Ducts (building services); Fibre optic cables; Computer-computer communications; Performance; Performance testing; Circuit networks; Fibre optics; Electric connectors; Bus networks; Topology; Classification systems; Optical properties of materials; Communication networks; Circuits; Star networks; Electrical impedance; Electrical properties of materials; Attenuation; Fibre optic connectors; Insulated cables; Mechanical properties of materials; Communication equipment; Frequencies; Buildings
First presented to the public:
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Previously Published By:
British Standards Institution
Place Of Publication:
Number of Pages - 70
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2023-04-05 09:21:42.258
Nurul Aini Abdul Rahman

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BS EN 50173:1996 - Information technology. Generic cabling systems1 2023-04-05 09:21:42.258