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Development of wind turbine blades based on hybrid bio-composites

Development of wind turbine blades based on hybrid bio-composites / Liang Yeng Fei
Bio-komposit adalah bahan komposit yang terdiri daripada matriks (resin) dan diperkukuh daripada gentian semula jadi. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk membincangkan kaedah dan langkah-langkah penyelidikan mengenai komposit hibrid antara kaca dan gentian semula jadi. Kajian ini juga akan membawa kepada proses fabrikasi bilah turbin angin. Dalam projek ini, proses fabrikasi bahan bio-komposit hibrid menggunakan gentian asli telah dibincangkan dan sifat-sifat mekanik telah dianalisis. Penggunaan bahan bio-komposit hibrid untuk menghasilkan turbin angin dijangka mengurangkan kos pembuatan bahan yang digunakan. Bahan komposit tersebut akan diuji pada tegangan, lenturan dan sifat-sifat mampatan. Keputusan daripada ujian tegangan, lenturan dan mampatan kemudiannya dijadualkan dan graf bar telah dilukis untuk membuat perbandingan berdasarkan jenis komposit (GFRP, CFRP, PFRP, CGFRP dan PGFRP). Penghibridan komposit serat semula jadi menunjukkan peningkatan yang ketara dalam sifat tegangan dan lenturan seperti kekuatan dan modulus. Daripada ujian mampatan, keputusan menunjukkan perubahan kecil dalam sifat-sifat mampatan antara setiap jenis komposit. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bio-composite is a composite material that consist of matrix (resin) and a reinforcement from natural fibres. The purpose of this study is to discuss on the methods and steps to make a research on hybrid composites between glass and natural fibres. This research has lead to the fabricating process of wind turbine blades. In this project, the fabrication process of hybrid bio-composite material using natural fibres were discussed and the mechanical properties will be analysed. The use of hybrid bio-composite material to produce wind turbines are expected to reduce the manufacturing cost of the material used. The material was tested on its tensile, bending and compression properties. The results from tensile, bending, and compression testing were then tabulated and bar charts were plotted to make comparisons based on composite types (GFRP, CFRP, PFRP, CGFRP, and PGFRP). Hybridization of natural fibre composite shows a significant increase in tensile and bending properties such as specific strength and specific modulus. From compression test, the results show minor changes in compressive properties among each type of composite.
Liang Yeng Fei - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Accession Number : 875007330
Barcode : 00003107245
Subject Keywords:
Bio-composite; matrix; hybrid
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Aerospace Engineering
Number of Pages - 115
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2018-03-16 15:55:39.595
Date Last Updated
2020-05-05 14:25:12.873
Mohd Jasnizam Mohd Salleh

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Development of wind turbine blades based on hybrid bio-composites1 2018-03-16 15:55:39.595