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Development of a pigeohole letter detector system with higher number of usesrs

Development of a pigeohole letter detector system with higher number of usesrs / Ng Kok Meng
Masa sedang berdetik setip saat semasa kita sedang berjalan atau membuat kerja. Ia berlalu tanpa disedari. Masa yang telah berlalu tidak akan patah balik dan telah menjadi sejarah dalam hidup kita. Maka, masa itu berharga dan perancangan masa amat penting daripada mengelakkan melakukan activiti yang mempersiakan masa. Berhubungan itu, system ini dibina bertujuan menjimatkan masa pengguna walaupun hanya beberapa minit dan mereka boleh menggunakan masa tersebut untuk melakukan activiti lain. Pengguna tidak lagi perlu pergi memeriksa keberadaan surat setiap hari. Untuk sesetengah orang, meraka hanya menerima surat dua kali seminggu. Jadi, ini membolehkan penjimatan masa dan tenaga terutamnya penduduk yang tinggal dalam bangunan tinggi. Dengan menggunakan sistem ini, satu notifikasi akan dikirim kepada pengguna yang menyatakan bahawa peti surat mereka terdapat surat. Sistem ini memerlukan seorang ‘pengguna utama’ yang mengoperasikannya dengan menggunakan komputer. Ia adalah ‘mesra pengguna’ yang bermaksud sistem ini senang dioperasi dan langkah-langkah yang diberi juga senang difahami. ‘Pangkalandata’ akan menyimpan segala maklumat pengguna peti surat. Dalam setiap peti surat terdapat satu pengesan yang digunakan untuk mengesan keberadaan surat dan sebuah mikrokontroler digunakan bagi memantau perubahan epngesan tersebut. Selepas itu, ia akan menghantar isyarat kepada komputer dan ia akan menghantar notifikasi dalam bentuk Email atau SMS kepada pemilik peti surat tersebut. Sistem ini dapat melaksanakan tugas dengan tepat dan senang. Ia seperti kalkulator di mana pengguna hanya perlu memasuki informasi dan hasilnya akan terus dipamerkan. Perasaan kerisauan tidak lagi menjadi satu masalah. Akhirnya, penggunaan sistem pengesan surat dalam peti surat sememangnya memberi manfaat kepada kita. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Time is ticking every second as we are walking or doing daily chores and it passes unnoticeable. The time that has been spent cannot be recovered and has become the past in the histories of our lives. Thus, every second is precious and time planning is important to avoid doing activities that are going to waste our time. So, this system is developed in conjunction to this statement as it helps users to save time even if for a mere few minutes. Hence, they could use this spare time to complete other more important work. A user does not need to go and check for letters every day. For some people, they may only receive letters twice a week. So they could save time and energy especially those who are living in high rise buildings. With this system, they will be acknowledged by a notification telling them that there is a letter in the pigeon hole. This system required a root user to operate in PC, it is a very user friendly system and the instruction is also easy to understand. Database will store information of all pigeonhole users. Each pigeon hole consists of a sensor to sense the presence of letter and a micro controller is used to monitor its’ changes. Then it will continue to communicate with PC via transmission of signal using serial port communication. From PC, a program will run automatically. This program will then send a notification in the form of Email or SMS to that particular pigeonhole user. Basically the system runs continuously until the root user disables it. In overall, the system performs accurately and easy to manage. It is as convenient as a calculator where the user just key in the required information and the result will come out in no time. The sense of worrying whether there is letter inside the letter box is no longer an issue. Lastly, users will definitely gain benefits for using the pigeon hole letter detector system.
Ng Kok Meng - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Accession Number : 875004661
Barcode : 00003093629
Subject Keywords:
letters; pigeon hole; communication
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Number of Pages - 119
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2018-03-19 15:58:54.141
Date Last Updated
2019-01-07 11:24:32.9118
Mohd Jasnizam Mohd Salleh

All Versions

Thumbnail Name Version Created Date
Development of a pigeohole letter detector system with higher number of usesrs1 2018-03-19 15:58:54.141