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Development of real-time iot-based environmental monitoring system for air quality

Development of real-time iot-based environmental monitoring system for air quality / Ng Wei Jian
Pada masa kini, pemodenan telah meningkatkan gaya hidup manusia. Walau bagaimanapun, peningkatan krisis mengenai pencemaran udara banyak membawa masalah kepada kesihatan manusia dan alam sekitar seperti hujan asid, pemanasan global dan kemerosotan lapisan ozon. Pelepasan karbon monoksida dari kenderaan di jalan raya mengakibatkan manusia berasa pening dan letih serta mengalami sakit kepala Oleh itu, projek ini mencadangkan pembangunan sistem pemantauan alam sekitar Internet berasaskan objek rangkaian internet (IoT) untuk kualiti udara. Sistem pemantauan ini mengintegrasikan tiga sub-sistem yang terdiri daripada sistem penginderaan kualiti udara alam sekitar, sistem amaran pintar dan sistem pemantauan rangkaian. Sistem penginderaan kualiti udara alam sekitar menggunakan penderia gas untuk menentukan kepekatan karbon monoksida, gas petroleum cecair (LPG) dan asap dan penderia kelembapan dan suhu untuk mengukur suhu dan kelembapan persekitaran. Selain itu, sistem amaran pintar memberi amaran kepada orang di sekitar dengan mengaktifkan penggera dan memaparkan mesej amaran apabila kualiti alam sekitar adalah kurang baik. Di samping itu, sistem pemantauan rangkaian digunakan untuk memerhatikan pengukuran masa sebenar kualiti udara melalui aplikasi Android "AirProp" untuk banyak pengguna pada masa yang sama. Tambahan pula, kesan faktor seperti masa dan keadaan trafik pada suhu, kelembapan dan kepekatan gas pencemar juga disiasat. Pada akhir kajian ini, didapati bahawa sistem penggera dicetuskan apabila kepekatan karbon monoksida melebihi 50 ppm. Selain itu, aplikasi Android membolehkan pengguna memantau pengukuran masa sebenar kualiti udara alam sekitar serta mengkaji semula data masa lalu pada tarikh tertentu melalui Wi-Fi. Data ini boleh dianalisis dan dimanfaatkan oleh kerajaan dan penyelidik untuk mengurangkan pencemaran udara. Trafik yang lebih sesak pada masa puncak adalah salah satu faktor penyumbang terbesar dalam kepekatan bahan pencemar udara yang tinggi. Purata kepekatan tertinggi karbon monoksida, LPG dan asap diperoleh di Kulim Hi-Tech Park pada waktu petang. Indeks Kualiti Udara (AQI) yang dikira berdasarkan kepekatan karbon monoksida adalah 50. Kualiti udara dianggap memuaskan dan tidak menyebabkan risiko kepada kesihatan manusia. Sebagai kesimpulan, sistem yang dicadangkan ini telah berjaya dibangunkan dengan penggunaan teknologi IoT. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nowadays, modernization has improved the lifestyle of human. However, the crisis regarding air pollution has been increased which brings a lot of problems to human health and environment such as acid rain, global warming and the deterioration of the ozone layer. The emission of carbon monoxide from the vehicle on road makes people feel dizzy and tired and gives them headaches Thus, this project proposes the development of real-time Internet of Things (IoT)-based environmental monitoring system for air quality. This monitoring system integrates three sub-systems which consists of environmental air quality sensing system, smart alerting system and real-time monitoring system. The environmental air quality sensing system utilizes a gas sensor to determine the concentration of carbon monoxide, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and smoke and a humidity and temperature sensor to measure the temperature and humidity of environment. Then, the smart alerting system warns the surrounding people by activating the alarm and displaying the warning message when the air quality of environment is poor. In addition, the real-time monitoring system is used to observe the real-time measurement of air quality via an Android application “AirProp” for many users at the same time. Moreover, the effects of factors such as time and traffic condition on the temperature, humidity and concentration of pollutant gases are also investigated. At the end of this research, it is found that the alarm system is triggered when the concentration of carbon monoxide exceeds 50 ppm. Besides that, the Android application enables users to monitor the real-time measurement of environmental air quality as well as review the past data on a specific date via Wi-Fi. These data can be analyzed and leveraged by governments and researchers to mitigate air pollution. Heavier traffic during peak hour periods is one of the greatest contributing factors in higher concentrations of air pollutants. The highest average concentration of carbon monoxide, LPG and smoke is obtained at Kulim Hi-Tech Park in the evening. The Air Quality Index (AQI) that calculated based on the concentration of carbon monoxide is 50. The air quality is considered satisfactory and causes no risk on healthy of human. In conclusion, the proposed system has been successfully developed with the technology of IoT.
Ng Wei Jian - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Accession Number : 875007668
Subject Keywords:
modernization; lifestyle; air pollution
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Number of Pages - 89
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2018-08-09 09:54:09.229
Date Last Updated
2019-01-07 11:24:32.9118
Mohd Jasnizam Mohd Salleh

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Development of real-time iot-based environmental monitoring system for air quality1 2018-08-09 09:54:09.229