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Development of online heartbeat based biometric system

Development of online heartbeat based biometric system / Chia Wei Boon
Di zaman moden ini, sistem pengesahan biometrik sentiasa bertujuan untuk menambahbaikan dari segi ketepatan dan kebolehpercayaan. Tetapi dalam system keselamatan, penggunaan kaedah tradisional (kata laluan atau kad) atau sistem pengesahan biometrik yang sedia ada (cap jari, kornea, muka atau suara) tidak boleh dipercayai sepenuhnya kerana maklumat yang berkenaan dapat dipalsukan dengan mudah. Bagi sistem biometrik yang menggunakan isyarat degupan jantung, walaupun ia mempunyai ciri-ciri yang berbeza dalam setiap individu, tetapi untuk ekstrak ciri-ciri tersebut adalah amat sukar. Untuk menyelesaikan kesemua masalah yang telah dinyatakan, sistem biometrik berasaskan denyutan jantung secara online telah dicadangkan. ECG telah dibukti sebagai satu medium biometrik yang baik kerana keputusan dari proses pengesahan sangat tepat. Selain itu, sistem ini boleh dialih dengan mudah kerana saiz sensor denyutan jantung yang diguna amat kecil. Dalam projek ini, data ECG diekstrak daripada individu dengan menggunakan sensor denyutan jantung. Kemudiannya, data ECG dimuat naik ke “cloud storage” dengan menggunakan telefon bimbit. Sebelum itu, “cloud storage” telah pun disegerakkan dengan komputer, yang berfungsi sebagai server serta mengawal Raspberry Pi. Dalam komputer, ia menggunakan isyarat ECG dari sensor untuk pengesahan individu dan memaparkan keputusan dalam telefon bimbit. Di samping itu, keputusan yang dijangka daripada projek ini adalah aplikasi dan pelaksanaan sistem dalam sistem keselamatan rumah yang biasa. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ In this modern era, biometric authentication system constantly seeks for improvement in terms of accuracy and reliability. However, by using only the traditional method (password and cards) or the existing biometrics system (fingerprint, cornea, facial and voice) are not as reliable because the information can be counterfeited. As for system using heartbeat signal, it has different features in every individual, but it is very difficult to extract them. To solve all of the problems mentioned, Online Heartbeat Based Biometric System is proposed. ECG is proven to be a promising biometrics medium as the result from the authentication is reliable and accurate. Besides that, this system is made portable with the size of heartbeat sensor being a pocket-sized device. In this project, the heartbeat sensor extracts the raw ECG data from the individual. Then, a mobile device is used to upload the sensor’s output to cloud storage. Prior to that, the cloud storage is synchronized with computer, which acts as the server and controls the output in Raspberry Pi. In the computer server, it uses the output signal from the sensor for individual authentication and display the result in the mobile device. In addition, the outcome of this project is the application and implementation of the system to normal household security system.
Chia Wei Boon - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Accession Number : 875007209
Barcode : 00003107087
Subject Keywords:
biometric authentication system; can be counterfeited; , Online Heartbeat Based Biometric System
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Number of Pages - 88
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2018-04-17 12:10:42.81
Date Last Updated
2019-01-07 11:24:32.9118
Mohd Jasnizam Mohd Salleh

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Thumbnail Name Version Created Date
Development of online heartbeat based biometric system1 2018-04-17 12:10:42.81