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Dynamic modelling and simulation of quadcopter

Dynamic modelling and simulation of quadcopter / Shanmathy Thinahgran
Perkembangan pemodelan dinamik kuadcopter telah mengalami peningkatan besar karena kuadcopter yang paling sering dikenal sebagai drone telah digunakan untuk berbagai sektor dan juga permintaan untuk kuadcopter tersebut telah meningkat pesat dari masa ke masa terutama sejurus penularan wabak pandemik ini. Model dinamik kuadcopter sangat penting untuk tujuan reka bentuk pengawal dan simulasi pengawal. Untuk projek ini, model dinamik kuadcopter telah dikembangkan dan simulasi dijalankan. Objektif projek ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model matematik kuadcopter dan mensimulasikan sistem kawalan kuadcopter yang lengkap. Oleh itu, model dinamik kuadcopter dikembangkan dahulu. Momen inersia adalah bahagian penting dalam persamaan dinamik. Oleh itu, persamaan model dinamik tidak akan lengkap tanpa pelaksanaan nilai momen inersia. Terdapat pelbagai cara yang dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan momen inersia, pendekatan eksperimen diambil untuk projek ini untuk mendapatkan momen inersia. Momen inersia diperoleh dengan melakukan Ujian Trifilar Pendelum. Projek ini seterusnya menuju untuk menjalani simulasi kuadcopter. Perisian yang digunakan untuk melakukan simulasi ialah MATLAB © / Simulink ©. Model sistem kuadcopter dikembangkan dengan menggunakan persamaan dinamika dalam bentuk blok Simulink. Berikutan itu, pengawal PID dilaksanakan pada model sistem untuk simulasi. Pengawal digunakan untuk mengawal ketinggian., Sudut putaran, sudut nada dan kadar menguap dari kuadcopter. Hasil simulasi telah membuktikan bahawa pengawal berfungsi dengan baik. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ The development of dynamic modelling of quadcopter have seen a huge rise as the quadcopter which are most commonly known as drone s have been used for many various sectors and also the need for those quadcopters have been increasing tremendously over time especially during the pandemic period. The quadcopter dynamic models are very important for controller design and simulation purposes. For this project quadcopter dynamic model have been developed and simulation was conducted. The objective of this project is to develop a mathematical model of the quadcopter and to simulate the complete quadcopter control system. Thus, the dynamic model of the quadcopter was first developed. The moment of inertia parameter is an important part of the dynamic equations. Therefore, the dynamic model equations will be incomplete without the implementation of the values of the moment of inertia. There are ways that can be used to obtain the moment of inertia, the experimental approach was taken for this work to obtain the moment of inertia. The moment of inertia were obtained by conducting the Trifilar Pendelum Test. The project further proceeds to the simulation of the quadcopter. The software used to perform the simulation is MATLAB©/Simulink©. The quadcopter system model was developed in the Simulink in the form of Simulink blocks using the dynamics equations. Following that, the PID controller was implemented to the system model for simulation. The controller is used to control the altitude., roll angle, pitch angle and the yaw rate of the quadcopter. The results of the simulation had proven that the controller is working well.
Shanmathy Thinahgran - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Accession Number : 875007945
Subject Keywords:
dynamic; modelling; quadcopter
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Aerospace Engineering
Number of Pages - 80
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2020-10-08 16:34:01.862
Mohd Jasnizam Mohd Salleh

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Dynamic modelling and simulation of quadcopter1 2020-10-08 16:34:01.862