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Development of treated palm oil mill effluent (pome) culture medium for plant tissue culture of hemianthus callitrichoides

Development of treated palm oil mill effluent (pome) culture medium for plant tissue culture of hemianthus callitrichoides / Lim Chun Rong
Hemianthus callitrichoides merupakan tumbuhan hiasan aquatik yang boleh digunakan untuk fitoremediasi and hiasan akuarium. Satu protocol kultur tisu untuk pertumbuhan H.callitrichoides yang menggunakan MS dan POME sebagai medium kultur tisu telah dihasilkan. Kultur tisu untuk H.callitrichoides telah dijalankan di bawah suhu 25oC dengan 24 jam fotokala. Keadaan kultur yang optimum bagi pertumbuhan H.callitrichoides telah diuji dalam pepejal dan kekuatan cecair MS medium yang berbeza. Cecair MS medium telah menunjukkan indeks pertumbuhan yang maksimum sebanyak 7.94 ±0.37 g/g dalam H.callitrichoides jika dibandingkan dengan pepejal MS medium (P<0.05). Cecair MS medium dalam kekuatan penuh telah mencatatkan indeks pertumbuhan maksimum sebanyak 7.34 ±0.37 g/g dalam H.callitrichoides jika dibandingkan dengan ½ MS, ¼ MS and 1/8 MS. Bagi kekuatan POME kultur medium yang berbeza, ½ POME telah mencatatkan indeks pertumbuhan yang tertinggi sebanyak 3.92 ±0.37 g/g dalam H.callitrichoides jika dibandingkan dengan POME dengan kekuatan penuh, ¼ POME dan 1/8 POME. Komponen-komponen MS seperti makronutrien, mikronutrien, zat besi, vitamin, myo-inositol and sukrosa telah ditambahkan ke dalam POME kultur medium supaya kesan-kesan daripada setiap MS komponen dalam memperbaikkan pertumbuhan H.callitrichoides dapat diketahui. Bagi POME kultur medium, ½ POME medium yang ditambahkan dengan kekuatan penuh MS medium (Media E) lebih baik daripada cecair MS medium dalam kekuatan penuh (Media A) dan semua kultur medium yang lain disebabkan kemampuannya dalam mencegah perubahan morfologi yang telah berlaku dalam cecair MS medium dalam kekuatan penuh serta menggalakkan pertumbuhan yang maksimum dalam H.callitrichoides. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hemianthus callitrichoides is an ornamental aquatic plant that could be used for phytoremediation and aquarium decorations. A tissue culture protocol for the propagation of H.callitrichoides using MS and POME as tissue culture medium was developed. The tissue culture of H.callitrichoides were carried out under temperature of 25oC with 24 hours of photoperiod. Optimum culture conditions for the propagation of H.callitrichoides were tested in solid and different strength of liquid MS media. Liquid MS medium had showed maximum growth index of 7.94 ±0.37 g/g in H.callitrichoides when compared to solid MS medium (P<0.05). Liquid full strength MS medium had recorded maximum growth index of 7.34 ±0.37 g/g in H.callitrichoides as compared to ½ MS, ¼ MS and 1/8 MS. For different strength of POME culture medium, ½ strength POME had recorded highest growth index of 3.92 ±0.37 g/g in H.callitrichoides as compared to full strength POME, ¼ strength POME and 1/8 strength POME culture media. The MS components such as macronutrients, micronutrients, iron source, vitamins, myo-inositol and sucrose were introduced individually in POME culture media in order to investigate the effect of the individual MS components on improving the propagation of H.callitrichoides. For POME culture medium, ½ strength POME medium with liquid full strength MS medium as supplements (Media E) was proven to be better than full strength MS medium (Media A) and other culture media due to its ability in suppressing the morphological changes that occurred in full strength MS medium and promote the maximum growth of H.callitrichoides.
Lim Chun Rong - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Accession Number : 875005625
Subject Keywords:
Hemianthus callitrichoides; ornamental; phytoremediation
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Chemical Engineering
Number of Pages - 67
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2020-08-13 11:35:20.812
Mohd Jasnizam Mohd Salleh

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Development of treated palm oil mill effluent (pome) culture medium for plant tissue culture of hemianthus callitrichoides1 2020-08-13 11:35:20.812