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Analysis of the effect of humidity, wind speed, air temperature and rainfall to the satellite signal / Zulina Abd Latiff

Analysis of the effect of humidity, wind speed, air temperature and rainfall to the satellite signal_Zulina Abd Latiff_E3_2007_NI
Sistem komunikasi satelit merupakan salah satu kaedah perhubungan yang amat penting dan ia digunakan secara meluas pada hari ini. Melalui sistem komunikasi ini, kita mampu berhubung dengan sesiapa sahaja, setiap masa dan di mana jua di seluruh dunia. Informasi dihantar terus melalui medium udara tanpa menggunakan sebarang kabel atau wayar. Oleh itu kaedah komunikasi ini menjadi amat penting kerana keperluan manusia untuk berhubung dengan lebih mudah dan cepat. Walau bagaimanapun, kaedah ini menyebabkan isyarat yang dihantar lebih mudah terdedah dengan gangguan. Di antara faktor-faktor penyebab gangguan ini adalah keadaan cuaca yang tidak menentu seperti hujan, kelembapan udara, suhu persekitaran dan kelajuan angin yang sentiasa berubah-ubah. Sehubungan itu, projek ini dilaksanakan untuk mengkaji keberkesanan faktor cuaca ini dalam melemahkan isyarat satelit. Menggunakan perisian Minitab, analisis korelasi dilakukan terhadap data taburan hujan, kelembapan udara, suhu persekitaran, kelajuan angin dan isyarat satelit (isyarat Beacon) untuk mencari kekuatan hubungan di antara keempat-empat faktor ke atas isyarat satelit. Melalui analisis ini, didapati bahawa faktor taburan hujan dan kelajuan angin adalah lebih dominan dalam melemahkan isyarat satelit berbanding faktor-faktor cuaca yang lain. Seterusnya, analisis regresi dilakukan bertujuan memodelkan satu sistem ramalan isyarat satelit yang boleh menjangka isyarat satelit dengan lebih tepat dalam keadaan cuaca yang berubah-ubah. Tujuan sistem ini dihasilkan adalah supaya isyarat satelit yang mengalami pelemahan boleh diperkuatkan semula untuk sampai ke sistem penerimaan isyarat satelit. Dengan itu, gangguan dalam sistem komunikasi satelit boleh dielakkan atau sekurang-kurangnya dikurangkan. Walau bagaimana pun, model yang dihasilkan hanya mencapai ketepatan sebanyak 63% disebabkan data yang tidak lengkap, jadi langkah-langkah yang sepatutnya perlu diambil bagi meningkatkan lagi tahap ketepatan dan keberkesanan sistem ini dalam meramal isyarat satelit pada masa akan datang. Kesimpulannya, kajian yang dijalankan telah menepati objektif yang disasarkan dan diharap agar kajian ini akan memberi sedikit sebanyak panduan dalam kajian-kajian pada masa akan datang _________________________________________________________________________________________ Satellite communication system is one of the communication methods which is very important and widely used now a days. Through this communication system, we are able to communicate with anyone, any time in any place around the world. Information is freely transmitted along the air space without utilizing any cable or wire. Thus, this communication method became really important for human in need in order to communicate with more convenience and faster. However, this system causes the transmitted signal to be easy to get expose towards any disturbance. One of the factors that causes this disturbance is the unpredictable of weather condition such as rain, humidity, air temperature and wind speed that are liable to change. For that reason, this project has been executed to analyze the effectiveness of these atmospheric factors in attenuating the satellite signal. By using Minitab software, correlation analysis is done towards rainfall, humidity, air temperature and wind speed and satellite signal (beacon signal) data in order to determine the strength of relationship between these factors upon the satellite signal. Through this analysis, rainfall and wind speed seems to be more dominant in attenuating the satellite signal rather than other atmospheric factors. Then, regression analysis is done in purpose to model the satellite signal prediction system which is able to estimate an exact satellite signal in mutable weather condition. This system is created in order to amplify back the attenuated signal to reach the satellite signal receiver, so that, the disturbance in satellite communication system is prevented or at least is reduced. However, the model which has been created only explained 63% of the total variation in Beacon signal. This is happened because the data used is uncompleted. Therefore, some improvement should be done to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of this system in the future. As conclusion, this research has achieved the objectives of the project, and hopefully it will give some benefits to future research.
Zulina Abd Latiff - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Subject Keywords:
Satellite communication system; atmospheric; Beacon signal
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Number of Pages - 139
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2018-09-04 09:53:57.263
Date Last Updated
2019-01-07 11:24:32.9118
Nor Hayati Ismail

All Versions

Thumbnail Name Version Created Date
Analysis of the effect of humidity, wind speed, air temperature and rainfall to the satellite signal / Zulina Abd Latiff1 2018-09-04 09:53:57.263