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BS EN ISO 11145:199 - 6 Optics and optical instruments. Lasers and laser-related equipment. Vocabulary and symbols

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This International Standard defines basic terms, symbols and units of measurement for the field of laser technology in order to unify the terminology and to arrive at clear definations and reproducible tests of beam parameters and laser-oriented product properties
NAAR - Data Entry Person
Primary Item Type:
British Standard
ICS 31.260
ISBN 0580256030
ICS 01.040.31
ICS 01.060.20
Subject Keywords:
Beam axis; Beam cross-sectional area; Beam diameter
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
British Standards Institution
Place Of Publication:
London, United Kingdom
Number of Pages - 14
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2023-09-20 15:48:37.664
Nurul Aini Abdul Rahman

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BS EN ISO 11145:199 - 6 Optics and optical instruments. Lasers and laser-related equipment. Vocabulary and symbols1 2023-09-20 15:48:37.664