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Development of embedded ethernet model for real-time system

Development of embedded ethernet model for real-time system / Abdul Raziq Abdul Latiff
Sistem masa nyata ditakrifkan sebagai sistem mana yang bertindak balas dengan segera masukan sistem untuk menghasilkan keluaran. Kategori utama sistem masa nyata adalah masa sebenar yang nyata dan lembut masa sebenar yang tidak nyata. Rangkaian Kawasan Setempat Ethernet (LAN) secara meluas dilaksanakan dalam komunikasi masa nyata kerana menyediakan ketepatan komunikasi berkelajuan tinggi. LAN Ethernet menggunakan Access Multiple Carrier Sense (CSMA / CD) sebagai protokol komunikasi yang mengesan trafik saluran sama ada sibuk atau terbiar. Algoritma backoff diterapkan pada CSMA / CD apabila perlanggaran berlaku semasa penghantaran. Algoritma backoff seperti algoritma Backon Exponential Backoff (BEB), algoritma Penurunan Linear Increase Linear Increase Linear (LILD), Algoritma Ekstradasi Linear Eksponensial (ELBA) dan Algoritma Backoff Berasaskan Kadar Pelanggaran (CRBA) adalah bertujuan untuk melaksanakan simulasi yang menggunakan Komunikasi Ethernet Model bas. Simulasi dijalankan untuk mengukur kelewatan paket dan bilangan perlanggaran. CRBA menunjukkan prestasi yang lebih baik dalam kelewatan paket yang 0.6183ms pada beban rangkaian ringan dan kelewatan packet 0.62455ms dalam beban rangkaian berat. Selain itu, hasilnya menunjukkan CRBA mempunyai keupayaan untuk mengurangkan bilangan perlanggaran yang dialami oleh setiap nod pada saluran. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Real-time systems defined as systems that respond the input immediately to produce the output. The real-time system main categories are hard real-time and soft real-time an non-real-time. The Ethernet Local Area Network(LAN) is widely implemented in the real-time communication as it provide the high speed communication services. The Ethernet LAN use the Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA/CD) as a communication protocol which detect the states of channel traffic. The backoff algorithm is applied on the CSMA/CD when the collision occur during transmission. The backoff algorithms such as Binary Exponential Backoff algorithm (BEB), Linear Increase Linear Decrease algorithm (LILD), Exponential Linear Backoff algorithm (ELBA) and Collision Rate-Based Backoff algorithm (CRBA) is purposed using the Ethernet Communication Bus model. The simulated experiment were carried out to measure the packet delay and number of collision. CRBA shows a better performance in the packet delay which is 0.0006183s on the light network load and 0.00062455s packet delay in heavy network load. Besides that, the results shows CRBA has the ability to reduce the number of collision experienced by each nodes in the channel.
Abdul Raziq Abdul Latiff - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Accession Number : 875008674
Subject Keywords:
Real-time; systems; (LAN)
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Number of Pages - 70
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2020-03-04 16:10:21.031
Date Last Updated
2020-12-02 15:00:17.777
Mohd Jasnizam Mohd Salleh

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Development of embedded ethernet model for real-time system1 2020-03-04 16:10:21.031