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BS EN 408:1995 Timber structures - Structural timber and glued laminated timber - Determination of some physical and mechanical properties

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This standard specifies test method for determining the following properties of structural timber and glued laminated timber.
Primary Item Type:
British Standard
Standard Number BS EN 408:1995
ICS 91.080.20 Timber structures
ISBN 0 580 24284 6
Subject Keywords:
Bend testing, Structural timber, Wood products, Modulus of elasticity, Physical properties of materials, Tensile testing, Mechanical properties of materials, Moisture measurement, Specimen preparation, Shear testing, Wood, Density measurement, Physical testing, Laminates, Strength of materials, Mechanical testing, Compression testing, Mathematical calculations, Dimensional measurement, Testing conditions, Laboratory testing
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
British Standards Institution
Place Of Publication:
BSI Standards Limited
Number of Pages - 14
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2022-04-04 15:45:55.588
Date Last Updated
2022-04-04 16:30:57.0
Muhamad Azmil Ramli

All Versions

Thumbnail Name Version Created Date
BS EN 408:1995 Timber structures - Structural timber and glued laminated timber - Determination of some physical and mechanical properties1 2022-04-04 15:45:55.588