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Development of wearable control moment gyroscope /Mohamad Jusuf Asyari

Development of wearable control moment gyroscope_Mohamad Jusuf Asyari_A2_2014_NI
This thesis represents the project on the development of wearable control moment gyroscope (CMG). The aim of this project is to develop a system which can be used to reduce tremor especially on human body, specifically for Parkinson’s diseases patients. This is a way to reduce the vibration level on human body thus increase the effectiveness of human body’s movement. In this project, the wearable control moment gyroscope (CMG) acts as a system that produce moment and torque in 2-axis of rotations in order to counter the tremors or vibrations produced by human body. The main components used are vibration motor, brushless motor, ADXL 345 accelerometer, servo motor and Arduino Uno Rev 3.0. Both vibration motor and brushless motor act as the producer of moments and torques in those 2-axis of rotations, while ADXL 345 accelerometer acts as a sensor that control the movement of servo motor thus results in rotation of brushless motor along an axis of rotation. The signal from the ADXL 345 accelerometer, which is in form of tilt or deflection angle, initially sent to Arduino Uno Rev 3.0, and later the Arduino Uno processed and sent the signal to the servo motor which results in movement of servo arm, in case where the movement angle from 0° (initial position) is the same as the deflection angle of ADXL 345 accelerometer from 0°. For this project, the speed of the brushless motor is kept at constant speed, while the speed of the vibration motor can be varies by using potential meter. All the motors are attached to main system which manufactured by using 3D printing technique. The entire integrated subsystems produce a complex system that results in an anti-vibration device in order to reduce human’s vibration level.
Mohamad Jusuf Asyari - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Subject Keywords:
control moment gyroscope (CMG) ; Parkinson’s diseases; human body
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Aerospace Engineering
Number of Pages - 72
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2019-08-07 15:40:07.313
Date Last Updated
2020-05-05 14:21:23.201
Nor Hayati Ismail

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Thumbnail Name Version Created Date
Development of wearable control moment gyroscope /Mohamad Jusuf Asyari1 2019-08-07 15:40:07.313