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Synthesis and characterization of palladium nanoparticles as the filler of mixed matrix membranes for hydrogen separation

Synthesis and characterization of palladium nanoparticles as the filler of mixed matrix membranes for hydrogen separation / Mohamad Nazrul Izat Mohd Khir
Pemisahan gas secara pengangkutan selektif melalui membran polimer adalah salah satu cabang yang paling cepat membangun dalam teknologi membran. Bagaimanapun, polimer membran yang sedia ada masih belum mencukupi untuk mengekplotasi secara keseluruhannya peluang aplikasi dalam skala industri. Satu jenis membran baru yang berkembang pesat dan berpotensi untuk pembangunan lebih lanjut ialah membran matriks bercampur. Dalam kajian ini, membran matriks bercampur polisulfone diisi dengan nanopartikel palladium telah berjaya dihasilkan untuk penambahbaikan pemisahan gas hidrogen. Struktur simetri yang dihasilkan ini telah mengunakan kaedah fasa balikan kering-basah untuk semua sampel membran bagi improvisasi kebolehtelapan gas dengan lebih lanjut. Kesan muatan nanopartikel palladium (0-3 wt%) terhadap karakteristik membran juga telah dikaji mengunakan TEM, FTIR, SEM bersama EDX dan juga XRD. Membran juga diuji dalam penyerapan gas tulen N2, H2 dan juga CO2. Pada berat peratusan 3 (3 wt%) muatan nanopartikel paladium, nanopartikel telah bergumpal didalam matriks polisulfone, menyebabkan membran kurang daya penyerapan terhadap hidrogen gas. Manakala pada berat peratusan 2 (2 wt%) muatan nanopartikel palladium telah menunjukkan penambahbaikan paling terbaik bagi selektif H2/CO2 and H2/N2 dengan jumlah 6.8 (54% penambahbaikan) dan 21.9 (253% penambahbaikan). Tambahan pula, berat peratusan 2 (2 wt%) muatan nanopartikel palladium telah menunjukkan kadar kebolehtelapan gas hidrogen dengan jumlah 4079 Barrer di dalam kerja ini. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gas separation by selective transport through polymeric membranes is one of the fastest growing branches of membrane technology. However, the existing polymeric membrane materials are inadequate to fully exploit the application opportunities on industrial scale. A new type of membrane material emerging with the potential for further development is mixed matrix membranes (MMMs). In this study, Polysulfone mixed matrix membranes filled with palladium nanoparticles were successfully prepared for H2 gas separation enhancement. Palladium nanoparticles with a mean size of 10nm were used as the fillers. The asymmetric structure was prepared using dry-wet phase inversion method for all the membrane samples for gas permeability further improvement. The effect of palladium nanoparticles loading (0-3 wt%) on membranes characteristics were studied using TEM, FTIR, SEM with EDX and XRD. The membranes were also tested in the pure gas permeation of CH4, N2, H2 and CO2. At 3 wt% of Pd nanoparticles loading, the nanoparticles agglomerated in polysulfone matrix, causing the membranes less permeation on gas H2. Meanwhile, membrane with 2 wt% of Pd nanoparticles loading had shown the greatest improvement H2/CO2 and H2/N2 selectivity with 6.8 (54% enhancement) and 21.9 (253% enhancement) respectively. Furthermore, 2 wt% of Pd/PSf MMMs had shown the highest permeance of hydrogen gas with 4079 Barrer in this work.
Mohamad Nazrul Izat Mohd Khir - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Accession Number : 875005214
Subject Keywords:
Gas; polymeric; (MMMs)
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Chemical Engineering
Number of Pages - 60
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2020-08-25 12:47:24.994
Mohd Jasnizam Mohd Salleh

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Synthesis and characterization of palladium nanoparticles as the filler of mixed matrix membranes for hydrogen separation1 2020-08-25 12:47:24.994