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Analysis of the effect of humidity, wind speed, air temperature, and rainfall to satellite signal

Analysis of the effect of humidity, wind speed, air temperature, and rainfall to satellite signal / Nur Bazilah Nordin
Satelit komunikasi secara amnya bertujuan untuk membenarkan radio, televisyen, dan penghantaran isyarat telefon untuk dihantar ke mana-mana sahaja di dunia secara langsung dalam pelbagai pilihan. Tanpa satelit, penghantaran adalah sukar atau mustahil pada jarak yang jauh. Isyarat yang lurus ini tidak boleh membengkok di sekitar pusingan bumi untuk sampai ke destinasi yang jauh. Disebabkan oleh satelit yang berada di dalam orbit, isyarat boleh dihantar terus ke dalam ruang dan kemudian diarahkan ke satelit yang lain atau terus ke destinasi mereka. Walaubagaimanapun, ada kalanya gangguan boleh berlaku disebabkan . Sama seperti elektronik, digital dan teknologi produk lain terdapat beberapa halangan yang boleh menghalang penghantaran ombak dengan itu menyebabkan untuk memberi isyarat masalah. Faktor yang sangat memberi kesan kepada isyarat satelit ialah cuaca. Jadi, berdasarkan faktor ini, beberapa faktor yang memberi kesan kepada perubahan cuaca dianalisis. Faktor-faktornya adalah kelembapan, kelajuan angin, suhu persekitaran dan hujan. Faktor yang paling dominan di antara keempat-empat factor tersebut dianalisa melalui tesis ini menggunakan kaedah regrasi dan korelasi. Selain itu, model ramalan hujan yang diukur di USM dibandingkan dengan model ramalan hujan iaitu ITU, SAM, and CETUC. Hasil analisa mendapati faktor yang paling dominan adalah kadar hujan. Hujan mempunyai nilai tertinggi Pearson korelasi iaitu 0,985. Model CETUC memberi nilai yang paling hampir dengan yang diukur di USM. Nilai R- kuasa dua model CETUC adalah 97.4% manakala model USM adalah 97%. Oleh itu anggaran nilai pengecilan di USM boleh dirujuk kepada model ini. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Communication satellites are commonly purposed to allow radio, television, and telephone transmissions to be sent live anywhere in the world in variety of options. Without satellites, transmissions were difficult or impossible at long distances. The straight lines signals could not bend around the round Earth to reach a destination far away. Because satellites are in orbit, the signals can be sent directly into space and then redirected to another satellite or directly to their destination. However, there are times where interruptions do occur due. Just like other electronics, digital and technology products, there are some barriers which may hinder the transmission of the waves thereby resulting to signal problems. The most common factor which greatly affects the satellite signals is the weather. So, based on this factor, a few factors that affect the changing of weather are analyzed. The factors are humidity, wind speed, air temperature and rainfall. The most dominant factor between these four factors will be analyzed throughout this thesis by using regression and correlation method. Besides that, rain prediction model at USM Engineering Campus will be compared to the other rain prediction models which are ITU, SAM and CETUC. The analysis found that the most dominant factor is rainfall. Rainfall has the highest value of Pearson correlation which is 0.985. CETUC model give the nearest value to the one that measured at USM. The value of R- squared of CETUC model is 97.4% while USM model is 97%. Thus the estimated value of attenuation at USM can be reffering by this model.
Nur Bazilah Nordin - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Accession Number : 875007981
Subject Keywords:
Communication; satellites; transmissions
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Number of Pages - 45
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2019-03-20 17:06:38.197
Mohd Jasnizam Mohd Salleh

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Analysis of the effect of humidity, wind speed, air temperature, and rainfall to satellite signal1 2019-03-20 17:06:38.197