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BS EN ISO 6410-1:1996 Technical drawings. Screw threads and threaded parts - General conventions

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BS EN ISO 6410-1:1996 is a British Standard that has adopted the ISO 6410-1 standard, which is titled "Technical drawings - Screw threads and threaded parts - General conventions." This standard provides guidelines and conventions for the representation of screw threads and threaded parts in technical drawings. It helps ensure clarity and consistency in how threaded components are depicted in engineering and manufacturing drawings. Here are some key aspects covered by BS EN ISO 6410-1:1996: Thread Representation: The standard defines conventions for representing screw threads on technical drawings, including thread profile, pitch, and thread depth. It specifies how threads should be depicted using symbols, lines, and dimensions. Thread Designation: BS EN ISO 6410-1:1996 provides guidance on how to designate and label threads, including the use of abbreviations and symbols to indicate thread characteristics such as thread pitch, thread form, and thread class. Thread Dimensions: The standard outlines how to specify the key dimensions of threads, including major diameter, minor diameter, and pitch diameter. It also covers the use of tolerances for thread dimensions. Thread Angle: Information on thread angle, which is crucial for representing the thread form accurately, is provided in the standard. It defines the standard thread angle for different thread types. Threaded Fasteners: BS EN ISO 6410-1:1996 addresses the representation of threaded fasteners (e.g., bolts, screws) and threaded holes (e.g., nuts) in technical drawings, including the depiction of threads on both external and internal threads. Thread Notes and Callouts: Guidelines for adding notes, dimensions, and callouts related to threads on technical drawings are included. This helps ensure that all necessary information about threads is provided for manufacturing and assembly purposes. Thread Symbols: The standard defines symbols and graphical representations for threads, making it easier for engineers, designers, and manufacturers to communicate thread specifications on drawings. Thread Direction: Information on indicating the direction of threads (right-hand or left-hand) is covered to prevent confusion during manufacturing and assembly. Threaded Part Cross-Sections: Guidance on depicting cross-sections of threaded parts is provided to show internal and external threads more clearly, especially in complex assemblies. BS EN ISO 6410-1:1996 plays a crucial role in ensuring that technical drawings accurately convey the design and specifications of threaded components, which is essential for manufacturing, assembly, and quality control processes. It promotes standardization and clarity in engineering documentation related to threads and threaded parts.
NAAR - Data Entry Person
Primary Item Type:
British Standard
ISBN  0580261840
ICS 21.040.01 Screw threads in general
ICS 01.100.20 Mechanical engineering drawings
Subject Keywords:
Threads; Engineering drawings; Drawings; Designations; Threaded components
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
British Standards Institution
Place Of Publication:
London, United Kingdom
Number of Pages - 10
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2023-09-05 08:07:40.991
Nurul Aini Abdul Rahman

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Thumbnail Name Version Created Date
BS EN ISO 6410-1:1996 Technical drawings. Screw threads and threaded parts - General conventions1 2023-09-05 08:07:40.991