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BS EN ISO 14010:1996 - Guidelines for environmental auditing. General principles

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BS EN ISO 14010:1996 is a European standard that provides guidelines for environmental auditing and outlines the general principles to be followed when conducting environmental audits. Environmental auditing is a systematic process for assessing an organization's environmental performance, compliance with environmental regulations, and the effectiveness of its environmental management systems. This standard helps organizations, auditors, and other stakeholders understand the fundamental principles that underlie environmental auditing. Here are the key points covered by BS EN ISO 14010:1996: The standard's scope is to provide general principles and guidelines for conducting environmental audits. It applies to various types of organizations, industries, and sectors. Environmental Audit: The standard defines an environmental audit as a systematic, documented, periodic evaluation of an organization's activities, products, and services, or a specific project, to ensure they conform to environmental policies and objectives. Audits can also assess compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Independence and Competence: The standard emphasizes the importance of auditors being independent, impartial, and competent. Auditors should have the necessary qualifications and expertise to perform environmental audits effectively. Audit Objectives: Environmental audits should have clear and well-defined objectives, which may include assessing environmental performance, compliance with environmental laws, evaluating the effectiveness of environmental management systems, or identifying areas for improvement. Audit Criteria: Auditors should establish audit criteria against which the organization's environmental performance is evaluated. These criteria can include legal requirements, industry standards, and the organization's own policies and procedures. Audit Scope and Planning: The standard recommends that auditors define the scope of the audit and develop a detailed audit plan that outlines the audit's objectives, criteria, scope, methods, and schedule. Documentation and Reporting: Auditors are expected to maintain documentation of the audit process and results. A comprehensive audit report should be prepared, including findings, conclusions, and recommendations. Communication: The standard highlights the importance of communication between auditors and the organization being audited. This includes discussing audit objectives, sharing information, and providing feedback. Confidentiality: Auditors should maintain confidentiality and handle audit information and findings responsibly, in accordance with legal and ethical requirements. Follow-Up: Organizations should develop procedures for addressing and implementing corrective actions based on audit findings and recommendations. Auditors may conduct follow-up audits to verify the effectiveness of these actions. BS EN ISO 14010:1996 serves as a foundational document for environmental auditing and sets the groundwork for the development of specific audit standards and procedures. It promotes transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement in environmental performance. Since the standard was published in 1996, organizations and auditors should refer to the latest versions and updates of environmental auditing standards to ensure compliance with current best practices and regulatory requirements.
NAAR - Data Entry Person
Primary Item Type:
British Standard
ISBN 0580267113
ICS 13.020.10 Environmental management
Subject Keywords:
Audit conclusion; Audit criteria; Audit evidence; Audit Findings
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
British Standards Institution
Place Of Publication:
London, United Kingdom
Number of Pages - 8
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2023-09-26 08:33:24.323
Nurul Aini Abdul Rahman

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BS EN ISO 14010:1996 - Guidelines for environmental auditing. General principles1 2023-09-26 08:33:24.323