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BS EN ISO 9222-1:1995 Technical drawings. Seals for dynamic application - Part 1. General simplified representation

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This part of ISO 9222 specifies the general simplified representation for seals. This representation should be used when it is not necessary to show the exact shape and details of the seals, for example in assembly drawings. ISO 9222 provides rules for the simplified representation of seals. The principle of drawing practice is to depict the object to scale using lines. In simplified representations, only essential features are shown, preferably in outline (in order to save time and effort). The degree of simplification depends on the kind of object represented, the scale of the drawing and the purpose of the documentation. This means that either a general simplified representation or a detailed one may be used. A detailed representation shows more details of a seal, for example the configuration of lips (see ISO 9222‑2). In order to avoid misunderstandings, only one kind of simplification, either the general or the detailed simplified representation, should be used on a drawing.
MAR - Data Entry Person
Primary Item Type:
British Standard
ICS 21.140 Seals, glands
ISBN 058023763X
ICS 01.100.20 Mechanical engineering drawings
Subject Keywords:
Drawings; Technical drawing; Graphic representation; Seals; Engineering drawings; Assembling
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
British Standards Institution
Place Of Publication:
London, United Kingdom
Number of Pages - 6
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2023-07-06 11:14:05.181
Muhamad Azmil Ramli

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BS EN ISO 9222-1:1995 Technical drawings. Seals for dynamic application - Part 1. General simplified representation1 2023-07-06 11:14:05.181