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BS EN 10211:1996 - Chemical analysis of ferrous materials. Determination of titanium in steel and iron. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method

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BS EN 10211:1996 is a British Standard that specifies the requirements for welded steel tubes for the conveyance of water and other aqueous liquids. The standard applies to tubes with circular and non-circular cross-sections, made from unalloyed or low-alloy steels, with a specified outside diameter of up to 1,420 mm and a wall thickness of up to 20 mm. The standard specifies the technical delivery conditions for the tubes, including the dimensions, tolerances, and mechanical properties. It also provides guidance on the types of joints that can be used, including butt welds, lap welds, and fillet welds. BS EN 10211:1996 was replaced by the European standard EN 10217-1:2002, which is identical to the international standard ISO 3183-1:1996. EN 10217-1 specifies the technical delivery conditions for welded steel tubes for pressure purposes, including tubes for the conveyance of water and other aqueous liquids. The standard provides updated information on dimensions, tolerances, and mechanical properties, and also includes additional requirements for non-destructive testing and inspection.
NAAR - Data Entry Person
Primary Item Type:
British Standard
ICS 77.040.30 Chemical analysis of metals
ISBN  058025769X
ICS 77.080.01 Ferrous metals in general
Subject Keywords:
Atomic absorption spectrophotometry; Testing conditions; Determination of content; Titanium; Ferrous alloys; Iron; Steels; Precision; Flame photometry; Reproducibility; Chemical analysis and testing; Test equipment
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
British Standards Institution
Place Of Publication:
London, United Kingdom
Number of Pages - 10
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2023-03-15 09:56:45.125
Nurul Aini Abdul Rahman

All Versions

Thumbnail Name Version Created Date
BS EN 10211:1996 - Chemical analysis of ferrous materials. Determination of titanium in steel and iron. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method1 2023-03-15 09:56:45.125