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BS EN 61094-3:1996 - Specification for measurement microphones - Primary method for free-field calibration of laboratory standard microphones by the reciprocity technique

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BS EN 61094-3:1996 is a British Standard (BS) that has been adopted as a European Standard (EN) titled "Measurement microphones - Part 3: Primary method for pressure calibration of laboratory standard microphones by the reciprocity technique." It specifies the primary method for calibrating laboratory standard microphones using the reciprocity technique. The standard provides guidelines for the calibration of measurement microphones used in acoustics and noise measurements. It outlines the procedure for determining the pressure response of a microphone by comparing it with a reference microphone using the reciprocity principle. The reciprocity principle states that if two microphones are subject to the same sound field, the ratio of their electrical output signals is equal to the ratio of their sensitivities. BS EN 61094-3:1996 describes the necessary equipment, environmental conditions, and measurement procedures for carrying out the pressure calibration of laboratory standard microphones. It covers aspects such as the measurement setup, calibration techniques, frequency range, and measurement uncertainties. It's worth noting that this information is based on the knowledge cutoff of September 2021. Standards may be revised or updated over time, so it's important to refer to the latest version of the standard for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
NAAR - Data Entry Person
Primary Item Type:
British Standard
ICS  17.140.50 Electroacoustics
ICS 33.160.50 Accessories
ISBN  0580259102
Subject Keywords:
Laboratory equipment; Dimensions; Attenuation; Acoustic equipment; Microphones; Sound intensity; Accuracy; Electronic equipment and components; Precision; Acoustic properties and phenomena; Circuits; Air; Test equipment; Audio equipment; Electrical measurement; Calibration; Central; Sensitivity
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
British Standards Institution
Place Of Publication:
London, United Kingdom
Number of Pages - 18
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2023-05-18 12:22:36.8
Nurul Aini Abdul Rahman

All Versions

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BS EN 61094-3:1996 - Specification for measurement microphones - Primary method for free-field calibration of laboratory standard microphones by the reciprocity technique1 2023-05-18 12:22:36.8