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BS EN 60763-1:1996 - Specification for laminated pressboard - Definitions, classification and general requirements

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BS EN 60763-1:1996 is a British Standard that specifies the procedures for testing electronic and electrical components, such as capacitors, resistors, and inductors, in order to determine their ability to withstand the effects of ionizing radiation. The standard describes the methods for determining the radiation sensitivity of components by exposing them to ionizing radiation and measuring the resulting changes in their electrical characteristics. It also provides guidelines for selecting the appropriate test conditions and interpreting the test results. BS EN 60763-1:1996 applies to components used in nuclear power plants, aerospace applications, and other high radiation environments. It is intended to ensure that electronic and electrical components can function reliably in these environments without being significantly affected by radiation. Overall, this standard helps ensure the safety and reliability of electronic and electrical components used in high radiation environments, which is important for protecting people and equipment from potential hazards.
NAAR - Data Entry Person
Primary Item Type:
British Standard
ISBN  0580260097
ICS 29.035.10 Paper and board insulating materials
ICS 01.040.29 Electrical engineering (Vocabularies)
Subject Keywords:
Preferred sizes; Pressboard; Thickness; Grades (quality); Laminates; Solid electrical insulating materials; Paper products; Board (paper); Electrical insulating materials; Classification systems; Marking
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
British Standards Institution
Place Of Publication:
London, United Kingdom
Number of Pages - 6
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2023-04-19 14:25:48.976
Nurul Aini Abdul Rahman

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BS EN 60763-1:1996 - Specification for laminated pressboard - Definitions, classification and general requirements1 2023-04-19 14:25:48.976