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Wireless power transfer characteristic of magnetic coupled resonator for mobile

Wireless power transfer characteristic of magnetic coupled resonator for mobile / Quan Hao Yu
Kebelakangan ini, sistem penghantaran kuasa tanpa wayar menghadapi beberapa batasan dari segi jarak antara pemancar dan penerima, arah penjajaran dan kecekapan penghantaran kuasa. Projek ini mempersembahkan prototaip untuk mengkaji ciri-ciri sistem penghantaran kuasa tanpa wayar, terutamanya isu ciri-ciri gegulung dan arus input. Aliran projek ini bermula dengan simulasi litar pemancar, selapas itu aliran diteruskan dengan pembangunan dan pelaksanaan litar pemanncar. Selepas prototaip dibina, kajian sifat gegelung dan kajian ciri input AC isyarat dijalankan. Sistem penghantaran kuasa tanpa wayar ini menggunakan kaedah gandingan salunan induktif untuk menghantar kuasa tanpa wayar. Dalam usaha untuk memaksimumkan prestasi, kajian yang dijalankan menganalisiskan kehilangan kuasa oleh sampel yang berbeza yang digunakan dalam eksperimen. Pada masa yang sama, kekerapan operasi sistem WPT dianalisis bagi membolehkan sistem untuk beroperasi di rantau kuat gandingan. Semua keputusan mengenai prestasi sistem WPT menentukan butiran litar pemancar muktamad dan menyumbang dalam pembinaan litar. Kecekapan penghantaran flux yang terbaik dicatatkan pada 98.77% apabila jaraknya adalah 4.51m, dan frequensi yang paling optimum untuk operasi litar adalah 60kHZ. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Recently, wireless power transfer system for mobile phone charger application still facing restriction in term of distance between transmitter and receiver, direction of alignment and efficiency of power transmission. The aim of this project presents a prototype to study the characteristic of wireless power transfer system which look particularly into characteristics of coil and input AC signal. The flow of this project start with the simulation of transmitter circuit, and then it continues to the development and implementation of transmitter circuit. After the prototype has been constructed, characteristic study of coil and characteristic study of input AC signal is conducted. This wireless power transmission system utilizes the inductive resonant coupling method to transmit power wirelessly. In order to maximize the performance, studies carried out analyzed power loss of different samples used in experiment. At the same time the operating frequency of WPT system is analyzed to enable the system to operate in strongly coupled region. All results regarding the performance of WPT system ultimately determine the parameters of final transmitter circuit and contribute in the construction of the circuit. The flux transmission efficiency was best record at 98.77% at 4.51mm distance, and 60 kHZ for the most optimum operating frequency for prototype designed.
Quan Hao Yu - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Accession Number : 875007994
Subject Keywords:
wireless; power; transfer;
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Number of Pages - 92
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2019-03-21 16:09:56.101
Mohd Jasnizam Mohd Salleh

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Wireless power transfer characteristic of magnetic coupled resonator for mobile1 2019-03-21 16:09:56.101