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Parameter tuning of an active force control for cmg-based controlled small satellite

Parameter tuning of an active force control for cmg-based controlled small satellite / Linghan Samanaseh
Sistem kawalan masa giroskop (CMG) adalah penggerak paling sesuai untuk actualized dalam sistem penentuan dan pengawalan sikap daripada satelit kecil. Elektrod ini boleh memberikan unik tork, pengabadian momentum sudut dan membunuh kadar keupayaan satelit kecil tanpa sebarang pertambahan kuasa, jisim atau isipadu. Ini akan membantu satelit kecil menjadi lebih tangkas. Yang empat gimbal tunggal kawalan giroskop ketika ini dicapai oleh kerana kecekapan dan memainkan peranan penting dalam mengawal sikap satelit kecil yang tangkas.Walau bagaimanapun, kecekapan sistem CMG adalah terhad dalam melaksanakan sikap yang pesat manuver dan berketepatan tinggi menunjuk disebabkan oleh gangguan luar torques dari ruang persekitaran dan gangguan dalaman penggerak.Oleh itu, teknik kawalan tentera aktif (AFC) yang dikuatkuasakan dan bersepadu dengan pengawal (PD) berkadar-derivatif untuk meningkatkan ADCS dengan menolak torques gangguan ditubuhkan di seluruh negara.Dalam kajian ini, penalaan parameter jisim sistem dinamik dan keuntungan AFC, keberkesanan teknik AFC dicetuskan. Supaya sikap PD-AFC mengawal skim dapat perintah sistem CMG memberi sesuai mengawal tork untuk memenuhi misi satelit.Itu singularity teguh (SR) stereng undang-undang bersepadu dengan sistem CMG untuk mengabaikan keadaan singularity CMG sistem dengan menetapkan sudut gimbal awal, yang membolehkan Ruang misi akan berjaya dilaksanakan.Semua model matematik telah dibuat dijumlahkan bagi simulasi berangka dalam Matlab®/Simulink® dalam usaha untuk mengkaji kesan parameter AFC Penalaan prestasi sikap kawalan satelit dengan mengambil kira kewujudan gangguan luar tork. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ A control moment gyroscope (CMG) system is the most appropriate actuator to be actualized in attitude determination and control system (ADCS) of small satellite. These actuators can provide unique torque, angular momentum and slew rate capabilities to small satellites without any increase in power, mass or volume. This will help small satellites become more agile. A four single gimbal control moment gyroscope (4-SGCMG) is actualize by owing to its efficiency and plays a significant role in attitude control of agile small satellite. However, the efficiency of the CMG system is limited to in executing rapid attitude maneuver and high precision pointing due to external disturbance torques from space environment and internal disturbance of actuator. Hence, an Active Force Control (AFC) technique is enforced and integrated with proportional-derivative (PD) controller to enhance ADCS by rejecting the disturbance torques robustly. In this research, tuning the mass parameter of the dynamic system and the AFC gain, the robustness of AFC technique is triggered. So that, the PD-AFC attitude control scheme able to command the CMG system to give suitable control torque to fulfill the satellite mission. The singularity robust (SR) steering law is integrated with CMG system in order to neglect the singularity state of CMG system by setting the initial gimbal angle, that allowing space missions to be successfully executed. All mathematical models were made amenable for numerical simulations in Matlab®/Simulink® in order to study the effect of AFC parameters tuning on the attitude control performance of the satellite by considering the presence of external disturbance torques.
Linghan Samanaseh - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
Accession Number : 875008194
Subject Keywords:
(CMG); (ADCS); satellite
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Aerospace Engineering
Number of Pages - 89
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2019-07-11 13:10:17.231
Mohd Jasnizam Mohd Salleh

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Parameter tuning of an active force control for cmg-based controlled small satellite1 2019-07-11 13:10:17.231