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BS EN 746-3:1997-Industrial thermoprocessing equipment - Part 3. Safety requirements for the generation and use of atmosphere gases

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This part of EN 746 specifies safety requirements for atmosphere gas systems and their use in industrial thermo-processing equipment and associated plant, including systems for the production of atmosphere gases by reaction inside the thermo-processing equipment. It applies to the supply of atmosphere gases, gaseous and liquid additions to, and their removal from industrial thermo-processing equipment and associated plant, confined to equipment integrated in the thermoprocessing and associated plant. This part of EN 746 also details the anticipated significant hazards associated with atmosphere gas systems and their use in industrial thermo-processing equipment and specifies the appropriate preventative measures for the reduction or elimination of these hazards. This part of EN 746 does not apply to atmosphere process gases, essential safety equipment, start-up, operation and shut-down of thermo-processing plant for semi-conductor devices for which special additional engineering requirements are necessary. This part of EN 746 specifies the requirements to be met to ensure the safety of persons and property during commissioning, start up, operation, shut down and maintenance, as well as in the event of foreseeable faults or malfunctions which can occur in the equipment. It specifies the safety requirements at stages in the life of the equipment, and its design, ordering, construction and use. This part of EN 746 applies to equipment which is placed on the market after the date of issue of this standard. The hazards covered by this Part of EN 746 are listed in clause 4. A table of typical atmosphere gases is given in Annex A.
MFAR - Data Entry Person
Primary Item Type:
British Standard
ISBN 0580281035
ICS 25.180.01 Industrial furnaces in general
Subject Keywords:
Heat engineering components; Production equipment; Industrial; Group 0 elements; Heating equipment; Explosive atmospheres; Accident prevention; Gases; Control equipment; Furnaces; Gas generating systems; Burners; Chemical composition; Safety devices; Instructions for use; Gas generators; Gas technology; Occupational safety; Atmosphere; Hazards; Equipment safety; Safety measures; Density; Marking
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
British Standards Institution
Place Of Publication:
London, United Kingdom
Number of Pages - 28
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2023-06-14 00:29:57.911
Mohd Fadli Abd. Rahman

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Thumbnail Name Version Created Date
BS EN 746-3:1997-Industrial thermoprocessing equipment - Part 3. Safety requirements for the generation and use of atmosphere gases1 2023-06-14 00:29:57.911