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BS ISO 10716:1994 : Implementation of ISO 10716:1994 Paper and board — Determination of alkali reserve

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This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the alkali reserve of papers and boards. It is intended for products that contain alkaline pigments or other alkaline material, added in order to improve their resistance to acid attack (degradation). This International Standard is not applicable to laminated, printed or otherwise processed grades that will not disintegrate completely by the procedure described. The result obtained will include alkaline pigments contained in the coating of a coated paper. NOTE 1 Such alkaline coating will protect the core of the paper from acid substances in ambient air, but its effect on acid substances generated in the base paper itself is uncertain.
MJMS - Data Entry Person
Primary Item Type:
British Standard
ICS 85.060 Paper and board
ISBN  0580242315
Subject Keywords:
Alkalis; Precision; Paper products; Specimen preparation; Degradation; Paper; Acid-resistance tests; Testing conditions; Alkalimetry; Reproducibility; Determination of content; Chemical analysis and testing; Board (paper); Volumetric analysis
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
British Standards Institution
Place Of Publication:
London, United Kingdom
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2022-10-31 15:19:36.097
Mohd Jasnizam Mohd Salleh

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BS ISO 10716:1994 : Implementation of ISO 10716:1994 Paper and board — Determination of alkali reserve1 2022-10-31 15:19:36.097