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Development of Mobile Phone Application / Liyana Nuraini Rasid

Development of Mobile Phone Application_Liyana Nuraini Rasid_E3_2008_875002419_00003068413_NI
Telefon bimbit telah menjadi salah satu keperluan asas dalam kehidupan seharian. Justeru itu, pelbagai penambahbaikan telah dilakukan ke atas kedua-dua aspek pekakas dan perisian telefon bimbit. Kewujudan telefon bimbit berkamera telah mewujudkan peluang untuk membangunkan pelbagai aplikasi telefon bimbit dalam bidang pemprosesan imej, contohnya seperti Sistem Pengecaman Nombor Pendaftaran Kenderaan ataupun lebih dikenali sebagai sistem LPR. Berikutan peningkatan laporan kehilangan kenderaan setiap tahun, semakin banyak sistem LPR yang mengecam nombor pendaftaran kenderaan secara automatik ini dibangunkan. Oleh kerana kamera yang digunakan dalam sistem LPR ini selalunya berkos tinggi, maka telefon bimbit berkamera yang jauh lebih murah digunakan sebagai ganti untuk mengambil gambar nombor pendaftaran kenderaan. Dalam projek ini, teknik untuk mengecam nombor pendaftaran kenderaan dari imej yang diambil menggunakan telefon bimbit berkamera telah dibangunkan mengunakan Java 2 Edisi Mikro (J2ME), khusus untuk aplikasi telefon bimbit. Oleh kerana kelajuan pemprosesan telefon bimbit adalah jauh lebih rendah berbanding komputer, algoritma-algoritma ringkas telah diapplikasikan dalam projek ini. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Mobile phone has become one of the necessities in life and thus, the improvement has been done to both the hardware and software aspect of mobile phone. The availability of camera phone has provided a means to develop various type of mobile phone application on the subject of image processing, such as License Plate Recognition (LPR). Due to huge number of vehicles are reported as stolen every year, more LPR system which capture images of vehicles and reads the plates registration number automatically are developed. Since the camera used for LPR system is usually expensive, we decided to use the inexpensive mobile phone camera to capture the license plate images. In this paper, a technique to recognize license from image captured by camera phone is developed using Java 2 Micro Edition, for mobile phone application. Due to mobile phone has less processing speed, simple algorithm such as intensity based localization technique, horizontal and vertical projection for character segmentation and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technique is applied in this project.
Liyana Nuraini Rasid - Author
Primary Item Type:
Final Year Project
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Place Of Publication:
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Number of Pages - 69
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2018-09-18 15:54:12.229
Date Last Updated
2019-01-07 11:24:32.9118
Nor Hayati Ismail

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Development of Mobile Phone Application / Liyana Nuraini Rasid1 2018-09-18 15:54:12.229