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BS 7723-1: 1994 ISO 7507-1: 1993 : Methods for calibration of vertical cylindrical tanks for petroleum and liquid petroleum products — Part 1: Strapping method

BS 7723-1: 1994 ISO 7507-1: 1993 : Methods for calibration of vertical cylindrical tanks for petroleum and liquid petroleum products — Part 1: Strapping method
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1.1 This part of ISO 7507 specifies a method for the calibration of substantially vertical cylindrical tanks by measuring the tank using a strapping tape. 1.2 This method is known as the “strapping method” and is suitable for use as a working method, a reference method or a referee method. 1.3 The operation of strapping, the corrections to be made and the calculations leading to the compilation of the tank capacity table are described. 1.4 This method does not apply to abnormally deformed, e.g. dented or non-circular, tanks. 1.5 This method is suitable for tilted tanks with a deviation of up to 3 % from the vertical, provided that a correction for the measured tilt is applied in the calculations.
MJMS - Data Entry Person
Primary Item Type:
British Standard
ISBN  0580226697
ICS 75.180.30 Volumetric equipment and measurements
Subject Keywords:
Cylindrical shape; Mathematical calculations; Petroleum products; Tables (data); Volume measurement; Tanks (containers); Petroleum; Bulk storage containers; Vertical; Volume; Liquids; Fuel storage; Calibration; Circumference
First presented to the public:
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
British Standards Institution
Place Of Publication:
London, United Kingdom
Number of Pages - 29
License Grantor / Date Granted:
  / ( View License )
Date Deposited
2023-02-13 12:56:08.649
Mohd Jasnizam Mohd Salleh

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Thumbnail Name Version Created Date
BS 7723-1: 1994 ISO 7507-1: 1993 : Methods for calibration of vertical cylindrical tanks for petroleum and liquid petroleum products — Part 1: Strapping method1 2023-02-13 12:56:08.649