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ThumbnailName Publication Date First Public Date Contributors
Advanced materials for clean energy/Qiang Xu, Tetsuhiko Kobayashi
Research for clean energy is booming, driven by the rapid depletion of fossil fuels and growing environmental concerns as well as the increasing growth of mobile electronic devices. Consequently, various research fields have focused on the development of high-performance materials for alternative energy technologies. Advanced Materials for Clean En...
3/9/20204/6/2015Qiang Xu
Tetsuhiko Kobayashi
Advanced materials and techniques for reinforced concrete structures /Mohamed Abdallah El-Reedy, Ph.D
While reinforced concrete is a durable material used for a wide range of construction projects in civil engineering, certain factors must be considered during its design, construction, and maintenance. This includes a variety of conditions impacting strength and performance relevant to specific structural systems, and the application of numerous co...
3/9/202012/1/2015Mohamed Abdallah El-Reedy
Advanced materials and techniques for reinforced concrete structures /Mohamed Abdallah El-Reedy
From China to Kuala Lumpur to Dubai to downtown New York, amazing buildings and unusual structures create attention with the uniqueness of their design. While attractive to developers and investors, the safe and economic design and construction of reinforced concrete buildings can sometimes be problematic. Advanced Materials and Techniques for Rein...
3/9/20206/26/2009Mohamed Abdallah El-Reedy
Advanced materials and design for electromagnetic interference shielding / Xingcun Colin Tong
With electromagnetic compliance (EMC) now a major factor in the design of all electronic products, it is crucial to understand how electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding products are used in various industries. Focusing on the practicalities of this area, Advanced Materials and Design for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding comprehensively...
3/9/20204/19/2016Xingcun Colin Tong
Advanced marine structures /Srinivasan Chandrasekaran
Due in part to a growing demand for offshore oil and gas exploration, the development of marine structures that initially started onshore is now moving into deeper offshore areas. Designers are discovering a need to revisit basic concepts as they anticipate the response behavior of marine structures to increased water depths. Providing a simplified...
3/9/202018/8/2015Srinivasan Chandrasekaran
Advanced linear algebra for engineers with MATLAB/Sohail A. Dianat, Eli Saber
Arming readers with both theoretical and practical knowledge, Advanced Linear Algebra for Engineers with MATLAB® provides real-life problems that readers can use to model and solve engineering and scientific problems in fields ranging from signal processing and communications to electromagnetics and social and health sciences. Facilitating a uni...
3/9/20202/23/2009Sohail A. Dianat,
Eli Saber
Advanced image processing in magnetic resonance /Imaging_Luigi Landini , Vincenzo Positano, Maria Santarelli
The popularity of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in medicine is no mystery: it is non-invasive, it produces high quality structural and functional image data, and it is very versatile and flexible. Research into MR technology is advancing at a blistering pace, and modern engineers must keep up with the latest developments. This is only possible wi...
3/6/20209/13/2005Luigi Landini
Vincenzo Positano
Maria Santarelli
Advanced Geotechnical Engineering Soil-Structure Interaction using Computer and Material Models / Chandrakant S. Desai _2013
oil-structure interaction is an area of major importance in geotechnical engineering and geomechanics Advanced Geotechnical Engineering: Soil-Structure Interaction using Computer and Material Models covers computer and analytical methods for a number of geotechnical problems. It introduces the main factors important to the application of computer m...
3/6/202011/27/2013Chandrakant S. Desai
Advanced Flight Dynamics with Elements of Flight Control / Nandan K. Sinha, N. Ananthkrishnan
Advanced Flight Dynamics aim to integrate the subjects of aircraft performance, trim and stability/control in a seamless manner. Advanced Flight Dynamics highlights three key and unique viewpoints. Firstly, it follows the revised and corrected aerodynamic modeling presented previously in recent textbook on Elementary Flight Dynamics. Secondly, it u...
6/24/20196/15/2017Sinha, Nandan K.
Ananthkrishnan, N.
Advanced flight control for quadcopter
Pesawat udara tanpa pemandu telah digunakan oleh masyarakat secara meluas dalam pelbagai bidang. Pesawat udara tanpa pemandu memerlukan satu pengawal yang lebih baik untuk mengawal kestabilannya. Pengawal PID biasanya digunakan dalam mengendalikan pesawat udara tanpa pemandu, namun, ia menghadapi masalah ketika pesawat udara tanpa pemandu mengalami...
10/5/20208/1/2020Lee Chia Wei
Advanced Fiber Optics / Luc Thevenaz
This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the field of modern fiber optics, beginning with the basics of the field summarized in an introductory chapter. Expert contributors then topics such as polarization effects in optical fibers; photonic crystal fibers; highly-doped optical fibers; non-linear effects; amplification and lasing in optical ...
6/24/20194/4/2011Thevenaz, Luc
Advanced Engineering Mathematics with Modeling Applications / S. Graham Kelly
Engineers require a solid knowledge of the relationship between engineering applications and underlying mathematical theory. However, most books do not present sufficient theory, or they do not fully explain its importance and relevance in understanding those applications. Advanced Engineering Mathematics with Modeling Applications employs a bal...
6/24/201912/5/2008Kelly, S. Graham
Advanced Digital Optical Communications /Le Nguyen Binh
This second edition of Digital Optical Communications provides a comprehensive treatment of the modern aspects of coherent homodyne and self-coherent reception techniques using algorithms incorporated in digital signal processing (DSP) systems and DSP-based transmitters to overcome several linear and nonlinear transmission impairments and frequency...
6/24/201911/22/2017Binh, Le Nguyen
Advanced Differential Quadrature Methods / Zhi Zong, Yingyan Zhang
The original direct differential quadrature (DQ) method has been known to fail for problems with strong nonlinearity and material discontinuity as well as for problems involving singularity, irregularity, and multiple scales. But now researchers in applied mathematics, computational mechanics, and engineering have developed a range of innovative DQ...
6/24/20196/16/2017Zong, Zhi
Zhang, Yingyan
Advanced DC DC Converters / Fang Lin Luo and Hong Ye
DC/DC conversion techniques have undergone rapid development in recent decades. With the pioneering work of authors Fang Lin Luo and Hong Ye, DC/DC converters have now been sorted into their six generations, and by a rough count, over 800 different topologies currently exist, with more being developed each year. Advanced DC/DC Converters, Second Ed...
6/24/201912/8/2016Fang, Lin Luo
Hong, Ye
Advanced control for magnetic bearing system
Galas magnetik aktif (AMB) meggunakan elektromagnet untuk menyokong komponen mesin. Galas magnetik aktif menjadi amat popular dalam komuniti penyelidkan sejak beberapa tahun yang lepas. Cirinya yang tak-lelurus dan tidak stabil dalam situasi litar buka memberikan satu cabaran untuk merekabentuk pengawalnya. Tesis ini menitikberatkan kepada ...
3/12/20186/1/2012Chai Gau Hwang
Advanced Biophotonics Tissue Optical Sectioning / Ruikang K. Wang and Valery V Tuchin
Despite a number of books on biophotonics imaging for medical diagnostics and therapy, the field still lacks a comprehensive imaging book that describes state-of-the-art biophotonics imaging approaches intensively developed in recent years. Addressing this shortfall, Advanced Biophotonics: Tissue Optical Sectioning presents contemporary methods and...
6/21/20197/23/2013Wang, Ruikang K.
Tuchin, Valery V
Adsorptive treatment of textile wastewater using activated carbon prepared from pandanus amaryllifolius stems and areca catechu fronds / Muhd Nazmi Ismail
Sintesis karbon teraktif menggunakan batang pandan (PSAC) dan pelepah pinang (PFAC) melalui pengaktifan fiziko-kimia telah berjaya diselidiki. Pengaktifan fiziko-kimia melibatkan jerap isi kalium hidroksida (KOH) dan gasifikasi karbon dioksida (CO2) telah berjaya dilaksanakan. Karbon teraktif yang terhasil telah digunakan untuk penyingkiran pewarna...
7/11/20182/1/2016Muhd Nazmi Ismail
Adsorptive studies of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) by PES-HAP-PVP mixed matrix membrane
Zarah Hydroxyapatite, HAP yang tertanam dalam Polyethersulfon, PES Membran Matrix Campuran (MMMs) telah berjaya disediakan, bagi mengkaji fonomena penjerapan ke arah protein Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA). BSA dipilih sebagai model protein dalam sistem ini. Membran dengan kepekatan PES berbeza dan kepekatan HAP berbeza telah disediakan dengan menggunak...
4/24/20186/1/2017Nurul Husna Elyana Hanifa
Adsorption study of ammonium from domestic wastewater and leachate using waste activated sludge /Nurul Azwin Burhanuddin
Amonium yang sering kali hadir di sungai, tasik dan kolam telah menjadi perhatian utama di seluruh dunia. Hal ini dapat menyumbang kepada eutrofikasi yang akan menyebabkan penurunan oksigen di dalam air. Seterusnya, akan membahayakan kehidupan air. Dalam projek ini, amonium telah dijerap dari sisa domestik dan air lindi melalui proses penjerapan. S...
10/5/20204/1/2011Nurul Azwin Burhanuddin
Adsorption studies of heavy metals on activated carbon prepared from agricultural waste / Muhamad Faizal Pakir Mohamed Latiff
Karbon teraktif (KT) komersial yang didapati sekarang masih dianggap mahal disebabkan oleh penggunaan bahan mentah yang tidak boleh diperbaharui seperti arang batu bitumen. Oleh itu, penyelidikan ini menyiasat potensi penggunaan sisa pertanian seperti kelongsong biji getah (KBG) dan tongkol jagung (TJ) yang terdapat di Malaysia sebagai pelopor untu...
9/29/20203/1/2018Muhamad Faizal Pakir Mohamed Latiff
Adsorption of synthetic dye using activated carbon from duckweed algae (Lemna minor L.)
Satu tumbuhan akuatik, karbon teraktif kiambang itik, untuk menyingkirkan metilena biru (MB) daripada larutan akuas telah dinilai melalui kumpulan ujian penjerapan. Karbon teraktif kiambang itik dihancurkan dan disaring ke dalam tiga saiz yang berbeza iaitu 63, 150 dan 250 μm. Sebelum pirolisis, tumbuhan ini dikeringkan di bawah sinaran cahaya mata...
1/27/20206/1/2013Nur Athirah Md. Akhir
Adsorption of methylene blue using polyvinyl alcoholpolyethylene glycol nanocomposite incorporated with multiwalled carbon nanotubes
Kecekapan polivinil alkohol/polietilen glikol (PVA/PEG) dan polivinil alkohol/polietilena glikol yang digabungkan dengan tiub nano karbon dinding barlapis (PVA/PEG/MWCNTs) bagi proses penjerapan dikaji dengan penyingkiran metelina biru (MB) dari larutan akueus. Kesan parameter operasi bagi proses penjerapan termasuk masa penjerapan, kepekatan awal ...
7/2/20196/1/2019Yuveraj Thanasagaran
Adsorption of methylene blue using chitosan membrane embedded with multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Dalam kajian ini, kitosan (CS) dan CS terangkum tiub nano karbon dinding berlapis (CS/MWCNTs) membran dihasilkan dengan mengunakan kaedah penuangan larutan. Membran tersebut digunakan untuk mengkaji penjerapan metilena biru (MB) dari segi masa sentuhan, kepekatan awal MB dan suhu. Kesan masa sentuhan dilakukan dari 60- 240 minit pada suhu 25 ° C da...
7/18/20186/1/2018Jahira Alias
Adsorption of methylene blue onto rattan activated carbon prepared by microwave induced pottasium hydroxide activation/Tan Bin Bin
Karbon teraktif telah dibuktikan sebagai efektif penjerap untuk menyingkirkan pewarna daripada proses kumbahan. Namun, karbon teraktif komersial adalah sangat mahal disebabkan oleh penggunaan bahan mentah yang tidak boleh diperbaharui. Oleh itu, tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk meghasilkan karbon teraktif daripada rotan dengan menggunakan induksi gel...
8/27/20204/1/2011Tan Bin Bin
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