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ThumbnailName Publication Date First Public Date Contributors
BS ISO/IEC 9066-3:1996 - Information processing systems. Text communication. Reliable transfer - Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma
Printed version of this is available at library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
2/15/19971/15/2024 NAAR
BS ISO/IEC 9066-2:1989 - Information processing systems. Text communication. Reliable transfer - Protocol specification
Printed version of this is available at library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
10/31/19902/13/2024 NAAR
BS ISO/IEC 8882-2:1995 Information technology. Telecommunications and information exchange between systems. X.25-DTE conformance testing - Part 2. Data link layer conformance test suite
Printed version of this is available at library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
12/15/19967/25/2023 MAR
BS ISO/IEC 8881:1989 - Information processing systems. Data communications. Use of the X.25 packet level protocol in local area networks
Printed version of this is available at library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
2/28/19912/8/2024 NAAR
BS ISO/IEC 8825-2:1996 - Information technology. ASN.1 encoding rules. - Specification of packed encoding rules (PER)
Printed version of this is available at library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
3/15/19971/15/2024 NAAR
BS ISO/IEC 8824-3:1995 Information technology. Abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1) - Constraint specification
Printed version of this is available at library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
2/15/19977/25/2023 MAR
BS ISO/IEC 8823-2:1995 Information technology. Open systems interconnection. Connection- orientated presentation protocol - Connection-oriented presentation protocol. Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma
Printed version of this is available at library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
10/15/19957/25/2023 MAR
BS ISO/IEC 8823-1:1994 : Implementation of ISO/IEC 8823-1:1994 Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Connection-oriented presentation protocol: Protocol specification
Printed version of this standard is available at Library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
10/20/20224/15/1995 MJMS
BS ISO/IEC 8822:1994 : Implementation of ISO/IEC 8822:1994 Information technology — Information technology — Open systems interconnection — Presentation service definition
Printed version of this standard is available at Library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
10/18/20225/15/1995 MJMS
BS ISO/IEC 8802-6:1994 : Implementation of ISO/IEC 8802-6:1994 Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Local and metropolitan area networks — Specific requirements — Part 6: Distributed Queue Dual Bus (DQDB) access method and physical layer specifications
Printed version of this standard is available at Library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
10/18/20224/15/1995 MJMS
BS ISO/IEC 8802-3:1996 - Information technology. Telecommunications and information exchange between systems. Local and metropolitan area networks. Specific requirements - Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method and physical layer specifications
Printed version of this is available at library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
5/15/19971/15/2024 NAAR
BS ISO/IEC 8802-2:1994 : Implementation of ISO/IEC 8802-2:1994 Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Local and metropolitan area networks — Specific requirements - Part 2. Logical link control
Printed version of this standard is available at Library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
10/18/20227/15/1995 MJMS
BS ISO/IEC 8650-2:1995 Information technology. Open systems interconnection. Connection-oriented protocol for the Association Control Service Element . - Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma
Printed version of this is available at library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
10/15/19957/25/2023 MAR
BS ISO/IEC 8650-1:1996 - Information technology. Open systems interconnection. Protocol specification for the association control service element - Protocol specification
Printed version of this is available at library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
2/15/19971/15/2024 NAAR
BS ISO/IEC 8649:1996 - Information technology. Open systems interconnection. Service definition for the association control service element
Printed version of this is available at library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
2/15/19971/12/2024 NAAR
BS ISO/IEC 8613-8:1994 : Implementation of ISO/IEC 8613-8:1994 Information technology — Open Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format: Geometric graphics content architectures
Printed version of this standard is available at Library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
10/18/20227/15/1995 MJMS
BS ISO/IEC 8613-7:1994 : Implementation of ISO/IEC 8613-7:1994 Information technology — Open Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format: Raster graphics content architectures
Printed version of this standard is available at Library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
10/18/20227/15/1995 MJMS
BS ISO/IEC 8613-6:1994 : Implementation of ISO/IEC 8613-6:1994 Information technology — Open Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format: Character content architectures
Printed version of this standard is available at Library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
10/18/20227/15/1995 MJMS
BS ISO/IEC 8613-5:1994 : Implementation of ISO/IEC 8613-5:1994 Information technology — Open Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format: Open Document Interchange Format
Printed version of this standard is available at Library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
10/18/20227/15/1995 MJMS
BS ISO/IEC 8613-4:1994 : Implementation of ISO/IEC 8613-4:1994 Information technology — Open Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format: Document profile
Printed version of this standard is available at Library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
10/18/20227/15/1995 MJMS
BS ISO/IEC 8613-3:1995 Information technology. - Open Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format. Part 10: Formal specifications
Printed version of this is available at library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
10/15/19957/25/2023 MAR
BS ISO/IEC 8613-2:1995 Information processing. Text and office systems. Office document architecture (ODA) and interchange format - Document structures
Printed version of this is available at library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
9/15/19957/24/2023 MAR
BS ISO/IEC 8613-12:1996 - Information processing. Text and office systems. Office document architecture (ODA) and interchange format - Information technology. Open Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format. Identification of document fragments
Printed version of this is available at library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
8/15/19961/12/2024 NAAR
BS ISO/IEC 8613-11:1995 Information technology - Open Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format: Tabular structures and tabular layout
Printed version of this is available at library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
3/15/19967/25/2023 MAR
BS ISO/IEC 8613-10:1995 Information processing. Text and office systems. Office document architecture (ODA) and interchange format - Formal specifications
Printed version of this is available at library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
3/15/19957/25/2023 MAR
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