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ThumbnailName Publication Date First Public Date Contributors
Active Filters Theory and Design / S.A. Pactitis
Using an accessible yet rigorous approach, Active Filters: Theory and Design highlights the essential role of filters, especially analog active filters, in applications for seismology, brainwave research, speech and hearing studies, and other medical electronics. The book demonstrates how to design filters capable of meeting a given set of specific...
6/19/201910/3/2018Pactitis, S.A.
Active and Programmable Networks for Adaptive Architectures and Services /Syed Asad Hussain
Most conventional networks are passive, with only basic traffic monitoring, management, routing, and congestion control. At best, they can be called reactive. Deploying new functions and integrating new standards into these architectures is difficult due to the rigid embedding of software and hardware into the network components. Active and Program...
6/19/201912/15/2006Hussain, Syed Asad
Activated Carbon Adsorption /Roop Chand Bansal and Meenakshi Goyal
High surface area, a microporous structure, and a high degree of surface reactivity make activated carbons versatile adsorbents, particularly effective in the adsorption of organic and inorganic pollutants from aqueous solutions. Activated Carbon Adsorption introduces the parameters and mechanisms involved in the activated carbon adsorption of orga...
6/19/20195/24/2005Bansal, Roop Chand
Goyal, Meenakshi
Acoustical Sensing and Imaging /Hua Lee
For complex operating modalities and dimensionalities, the design and development of high-performance sensing and imaging systems represent the most direct and significant advances in the field of system analysis and signal processing. In this field, the core components are physical modeling, mathematical analysis, formulation of image reconstructi...
6/18/20192/17/2016Lee, Hua
Acoustic Emission and Critical Phenomena From Structural Mechanics to Geophysics_ Alberto Carpinteri and Giuseppe Lacidogna
The Acoustic Emission (AE) technique uses ad hoc transducers to detect AE events caused by crack growth in structures under external loading. This technique is similar to the one employed in earthquake control, where seismic waves reach the monitoring stations placed on the surface of the Earth. And although they take place on different scales, the
6/18/20197/22/2008Carpinteri, Alberto
Lacidogna, Giuseppe
Acoustic Absorbers and Diffusers Theory, Design and Application¬ /Trevor Cox and Peter D’Antonio
This definitive guide covers the design and application of absorbers and diffusers in acoustics. Surface diffusion is a relatively young subject area, and diffuser design, application and characterisation are often not well understood. Although there is greater knowledge of absorption, it is also informed by new research. As two of the main design ...
6/18/20198/24/2016Cox, Trevor
D’Antonio, Peter
Acceptance Sampling in Quality Control / Edward G. Schilling
Acceptance Sampling in Quality Control, Third Edition presents the state of the art in the methodology of sampling while integrating both theory and best practices. It discusses various standards, including those from the ISO, MIL-STD and ASTM and explores how to set quality levels. The book also includes problems at the end of each chapter with so...
6/18/20195/3/2017Schilling, Edward G.
AC power systems handbook / Jerry C. Whitaker
Sooner or later, power system protection is going to cost money. How much is entirely up to you. Setting up a safe and effective AC power system from the very beginning can help avoid costly downtime and repairs, provide backup power during system outages, and minimize workplace accidents. For the past 15 years, Jerry Whitaker's AC Power Systems Ha...
6/18/201910/3/2018Whitaker, Jerry C.
Absorption Chillers and Heat Pumps / Keith E. Herold, Reinhard Radermacher
Significantly revised and updated since its first publication in 1996, Absorption Chillers and Heat Pumps, Second Edition discusses the fundamental physics and major applications of absorption chillers. While the popularity of absorption chillers began to dwindle in the United States in the late 1990’s, a shift towards sustainability, green buildin...
6/18/20194/21/1997Herold, Keith E.
Radermacher, Reinhard
Above Ground Storage Tanks / Philip E. Myers
The one reference devoted exclusively to aboveground storage tanks (ASTs), this book helps owners and regulators understand the design, operation, and maintenance of ASTs in the face of new industry regulations and meet the rigorous compliance requirements. Here is an ideal handbook for chemical, environmental, and civil engineers, and others conce...
6/18/20194/22/1997Myers, Philip E.
A Systemic Perspective on Cognition and Mathematics / Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest
This book is devoted to the study of human thought, its systemic structure, and the historical development of mathematics both as a product of thought and as a fascinating case analysis. After demonstrating that systems research constitutes the second dimension of modern science, the monograph discusses the yoyo model, a recent ground-breaking deve...
6/18/20192/18/2013Forrest, Jeffrey Yi-Lin
A Shock-Fitting Primer /Manuel D. Salas
A defining feature of nonlinear hyperbolic equations is the occurrence of shock waves. While the popular shock-capturing methods are easy to implement, shock-fitting techniques provide the most accurate results. A Shock-Fitting Primer presents the proper numerical treatment of shock waves and other discontinuities. The book begins by recounting the...
6/18/201912/17/2009Salas, Manuel D.
Activated carbon from tamarind seed and jackfruit seed prepared via microwave irradiated for dye removal
Sumber air seperti sungai, tasik, air bumi dan laut yang berhampiran dengan kawasan industri tekstil lebih mudah mengalami pencemaran air akibat buangan terus air sisa tekstil ke persekitaran. Bahan penjerap seperti karbon teraktif berasaskan sisa pertanian didapati berpotensi untuk digunakan bagi tujuan rawatan air sisa ini. Dalam kajian ini, ...
6/17/20199/1/2018Mohamad Nasran Nasehir Khan
Activated carbon from lemon peel and mangosteen peel for dyes removal
Penjerapan pewarna sebagai teknik untuk merawat air kumbahan terutamanya dari industri tekstil dan pewarna kekal sebagai skop kajian yang menarik. Sebaliknya, penjerapan menggunakan penjerap boleh diperbaharui tidak memberikan masalah dan operasi secara komersial murah. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan karbon teraktif (AC) daripada...
6/17/20199/1/2018Mohamed Fadhil Mohamed Vaisul
A Concise Handbook of Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering Sciences/Andrei D. Polyanin and Alexei I. Chernoutsan
A Concise Handbook of Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering Sciences takes a practical approach to the basic notions, formulas, equations, problems, theorems, methods, and laws that most frequently occur in scientific and engineering applications and university education. The authors pay special attention to issues that many engineers and students ...
6/12/201910/18/2010Polyanin, Andrei D.
Chernoutsan, Alexei I.
Automatic guided vehicle/Mohd Idzadin Mohd Sopian
Projeck ini adalah mereka dan menghasil sistem prototype bagi kenderaan berpandu automatik (AGV). AGV prototype ini digunakan sebagai robot pengalih barang bergerak yang dapat mengadaptasi keadaan makmal secara semasa. AGV akan berperanan memikul beban yang akan dialihkan dari satu destinasi ke destinasi yang lain secara automatik...
5/24/20194/1/2009Mohd Idzadin Mohd Sopian
Analysis and performance study of point-absorber wave energy converters using flow-3D
Tenaga ombak telah menjadi salah satu sumber tenaga yang paling berpotensi dan dengan itu ia telah menarik perhatian pihak kerajaan dan syarikat-syarikat tenaga. Dalam usaha untuk memenuhi permintaan tenaga global yang semakin meningkat, penciptaan alat mengekstrak tenaga bagi generasi akan datang perlu lebih cekap dari segi kos operasi yang lebih ...
5/21/20199/1/2018Tan Wan Ching
Aeros - conceptual design of uav/Mohd Izmir Mohd Shaharanee
Projek ini membentangkan mengenai AEROS, sebuah rekabentuk konsep pesawat tanpa pemandu yang baru. Pesawat tanpa pemandu ini mempunyai misi bagi memantau keadaan cuaca di sekitar Malaysia. Walaupun projek ini dikatakan rekabentuk konsep, namun apa yang difokuskan adalah rekabentuk konfigurasi strukturnya. Pelabagai konfigurasi pesawat ya...
5/21/20194/1/2009Mohd Izmir Mohd Shaharanee
Analysis for the structural integrity of deployable truss/Yu Kok Hwa
Tujuan projek ini diadakan adalah untuk mereka bentuk sebuah modul kekuda boleh pasang yang unggul untuk aplikasi ruang angkasa. Ia merupakan sebuah struktur yang mempunyai kemampuan berubah konfigurasi dengan ketara dalam satu cara yang bebas. Perubahan konfigurasi boleh berlaku dari bentuk bungkusan dalam keadaan padat kepada bentuk sedia pasan...
5/17/20194/1/2008Yu Kok Hwa
Airlines and airport operation and management in malaysia(amo) /Muhammad Hafidz Ibrahim
Laporan ini menghuraikan berkenaan dengan kajian tentang pengurusan dan operasi lapangan terbang dan penerbangan udara di Malaysia (AMO). Hasil kajian ini akan digunakan untuk melaksanakan system yang terbaik kepada lapangan terbang dan penerbangan udara ini. Kajian ini dibuat adalah untuk membina idea baru, pengetahuan dan mencari penyelesaian ...
5/15/20194/1/2008Muhammad Hafidz Ibrahim
Aircraft of the light sports aircraft category. Common problems of conceptual design/Lee Khee Chek
Rekabentuk kapal terbang tentang konsep ialah satu proses yang rumit serta memerlukan permahaman daripada banyak bidang lain. Tiga bidang utama dalam kapal terbang rekabentuk ialah perlaksanaan kuasa pendorongan, aerodinamik, dan struktur analisis. Di antara mereka, perlaksanaan kuasa pendorongan memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam menentu...
5/15/20194/1/2008Lee Khee Chek
Automated guided vehicle/Ahmad Izuan Ismail
AGV atau “Automated Guided Vehicle” merupakan suatu sistem yang membolehkan sebuah robot berfungsi secara automatik tanpa kawalan secara manual. Robot AGV yang telah diprogramkan dengan fungsi tertentu mampu menjalankan kerja-kerja dengan sendiri tanpa memerlukan bantuan atau kawalan dari manusia. Terdapat beberapa mod atau kaedah yang biasa diguna...
4/30/20195/1/2006Ahmad Izuan Ismail
Antena Pintar/Low Kim Aun
Antena ialah suatu alat yang berfungsi sebagai pengubah antara dua jenis tenaga iaitu tenaga terpandu dalam talian penghantaran dan tenaga tidak terpandu atmosfera. Antenna tradisional akan memancar ke semua arah. Oleh itu, matlamat projek ini adalah untuk mereka dan membina sejenis antena pintar. Antena pintar adalah antena yang dapat mengesan a...
4/30/20195/1/2006Low Kim Aun
Anisotropic shear behavior of jointed rock masses at ulu jelai hydroelectric project, Pahang
Sifat ricih anisotropik untuk jasad batuan berkekar adalah salah satu isu penting dalam bidang kejuruteraan terutamanya dalam bidang pembinaan dan pembangunan. Kajian ini tertumpu pada keadaan geologi, kekuatan batuan dan keadaan tegasan in situ. Kajian ini telah dijalankan di projek empangan hidroelektrik di Ulu Jelai, yang dibina berdekatan denga...
4/29/20199/1/2018Nur Khafiza Sapari
Automated detection of embolic signal for stroke prevention
Ultrabunyi Doppler Transcranial (TCD) merupakan alat untuk menentukan kewujudan embolisma untuk pesakit strok. Oleh sebab isyarat TCD mengandungi ciri-ciri istimewa semasa kehadiran embolus-embolus maka ini membolehkan pengesanan embolus dalam darah. Pada hari ini, pengawasan manusia digunakan dalam amalan klinikal tetapi kaedah tersebut memerlukan...
3/20/20196/1/2015Ng Yan Duan
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