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ThumbnailName Publication Date First Public Date Contributors
Empowerment of Liason Librarians in The Ai Era for The Field of Engineering and Architecture: A Case Study at The International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
The advancement of intelligent technology challenges libraries to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving AI era. Liaison librarians are key in maintaining the relevance and professionalism of the library field amid these changes. Proactive measures are essential to ensure the librarian profession remains relevant and competitive.
8/20/2024Faizal Hazri Mat Ripin
EN ISO 3727:1995 Butter - Determination of water, solids-not-fat and fat contents on the same test portion (Reference method)
Printed version of this is available at library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
9/15/19957/14/2023 MAR
EN 50102:1995 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for electrical equipment against external mechanical impacts (IK code)
Printed version of this is available at library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
10/15/19955/5/2023 MAR
EN 247 :1997- Heat exchangers - Terminology
Printed version of this is available at library. To request, please e-mail to referencepk@usm.my and include a copy of this record in your e-mail.
9/15/1997 MFAR
Embedded system on robot / Hoe Lay Fang
mobile robot autonomous navigation; FPGA hardwae implementation; embedded system design
1/5/20081/5/2008 Hoe, Lay Fang
Electronic Design Automation for IC Implementation, Circuit Design, and Process Technology
The second of two volumes in the Electronic Design Automation for Integrated Circuits Handbook, Second Edition, Electronic Design Automation for IC Implementation, Circuit Design, and Process Technology thoroughly examines real-time logic (RTL) to GDSII (a file format used to transfer data of semiconductor physical layout) design flow, analog/mixed...
8/8/20172/3/2017Markov, Igor L.
Martin, Grant
Scheffer, Lou
Effects of aging on water sensitivity of asphalt mixtures using image analysis technique/ Tan Wee Pin
Warm mix asphalt (WMA) is a technology that is gaining its popularity due to its ability to reduce asphalt construction temperature hence reducing road construction costs. However, a detailed study on warm mix asphalt is required to assess its performance. This study focus on the moisture susceptibility and aging of WMA asphalt incorporating 0.2%, ...
10/7/20176/1/2014Tan, Wee Pin
Evaluation of soil flexibility of the reclaimed area in Penang by using the non-destructive method / Shahrul Nizam Bin Hussin
Pembangunan pesat di kawasan bandar di negara-negara maritim memerlukan penyelesaian untuk menangani masalah kekurangan kawasan tanah untuk pembangunan dan infrastruktur. Penebusgunaan tanah memainkan peranan yang penting bagi mengatasi masalah ini dalam proses pembangunan bandar di Malaysia terutamanya di Pulau Pinang. Walau bagaimanapun, tebus gu...
10/7/20176/1/2014Shahrul Nizam Hussin
Ekonomi Malaysia dalam lendasan terbaik terus kukuh
Ekonomi Malaysia dalam lendasan terbaik terus kukuh
Effects of adhesion failure on moisture damage of warm mix asphalt containing cecabase additive / Muhammad Rafiq Khan Kakar
Campuran asfalt bersuhu sederhana (WMA) adalah teknologi yang membolehkan pengurangan ketara suhu pencampuran dan pemadatan campuran asfalt panas lazim.Teknologi ini boleh menjimatkan kos, meningkatkan kebolehkerjaan, mengurangkan kesan pengeluaran gas rumah hijau dan mesra alam. Walau bagaimanapun, WMA mudah terdedah kepada kerosakan lembapan seba...
10/23/20171/1/2015Khan Kakar, Muhammad Rafiq
Elak fitnah semasa bermusafir
Elak fitnah semasa bermusafir
Ekosistem pendidikan perlu pembaharuan polisi signifikan
Ekosistem pendidikan perlu pembaharuan polisi signifikan
Effects of nonlinear load on power distribution system / Syawaludin bin Hasan
Electrical equipments in the building comprise of nonlinear loads, for instance computer, television, and electronic ballast for lighting system. Nonlinear loads can cause problems on power distribution system for example a low power factor value, high power losses and the excessive neutral current in cable, heating of the transformer and failure o...
1/8/20185/1/2007Syawaludin Hasan
Early bankruptcy detection using neural network / Soh Rong Shu
Throughout the years, many researches have been conducted on the potential applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in bankruptcy detection. This project will provide an overview regarding the feasibility of the application of neural networks for direct classification of early bankruptcy detection based on financial ratio. A brief introduction...
1/10/20183/1/2007Soh Rong Shu
Extraction and biotransformation of nootkatone from citrus grandis using whole cell saccharomyces cerevisiae / Muhammad Hazriq Aris
Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menggunakan C. grandis dikupas dari sisa domestik sebagai sumber utama nootkatone untuk melanjutkan biotransformation nootkatone telah disiasat. Minyak pati itu diekstrak dengan menggunakan pengekstrakan soxhlet dengan 0.71 and 1.23 % hasil. Analisis Gas Kromatografi menunjukkan kehadiran nootkatone yang sedikit di da...
1/10/20181/1/2012Muhammad Hazriq Aris
Elak mengambil makanan tidak sihat
Elak mengambil makanan tidak sihat
Effect of pre-treatment and cryorolling on microstructure and corrosion behaviour of Al 5052 alloy
Aloi aluminium 5052 umumnya digunakan di dalam persekitaran lautan kerana ia mempunyai ketahanan pengaratan yang tinggi. Walaubagaimanapun, apabila aloi aluminium 5052 terdedah kepada ion klorida untuk masa yang panjang, ketahanan pengaratannya akan dipengaruhi. Oleh itu, tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh ion klorida pada ketahanan...
1/23/20186/1/2016Chan Ji Kit
Ekonomi Malaysia tidak seburuk digambarkan
Ekonomi Malaysia tidak seburuk digambarkan
Effect of the harmonic current on the miniature circuit breaker / Mohd Akramin Mohamed Nawawi
Generally the over current device are sized according to the pure undistorted RMS current. For example miniature circuit breaker is calibrated to operate under pure sinusoidal current RMS. The miniature circuit breaker will trip when the sinusoidal RMS current exceeds the rating current. This current represents heat in the power supply. This can on...
Eliminate baseline wander in ecg signal by using adaptive filter / Mohamad Shahir bin Mohamad Hasan
The electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is an electrical recording of the cardiac activity, which is an indication of the status of the heart. Generally, the recorded ECG signal is often contaminated by noise and artifacts that can be within the frequency band of interest and manifest with similar characteristics as the ECG signal itself. In order to ex...
Ekonomi diunjur berkembang kukuh
Ekonomi diunjur berkembang kukuh
Elaklah dilaknat Allah
Elaklah dilaknat Allah
Effects of stepped chute in siphon spillway outlet on the performance of spillway / Amin Ghafourian_A9
Limpahan sifon adalah sejenis alur limpah saluran tertutup yang dibina di dalam empangan kecil dan rangkaian pengairan untuk menyalurkan limpahan dengan cepat dari takungan. Aliran keluar dari limpahan sifon memasuki kolam-kolam empang di hilirnya supaya tenaga dapat diserakkan. Kolam empang yang bertempat di hilir alur limpah akan menenggelamkan s...
3/3/201812/1/2015Amin Ghafourian
Embedded frid tracking system for industrial application
Projek Terbenam Sistem Penjejakan RFID bagi Kegunaan Industri merupakan system yang mengenal pasti kesilapan semasa proses pengeluaran.Penyelidikan terhadap masalah ini amat diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan masalah dalam industry. Projek ini menggunakan sistem tanpa wayar dalam kawasan industri yang luas sangat. Jika produk ini dihasilkan dengan ceme...
3/9/20186/1/2012Ng Chin Nan
Enhancing a t-way interaction algorithm in matlab
Tesis ini menerangkan pelaksanaan dan pengoptimuman strategi yang sedia ada t-cara, dipanggil penjana t-cara.Dilaksanakan dalam Java kod, pelaksanaan semasa penjana-t cara (yang terdiri daripada algoritma gabungan yang menyeluruh, algoritma pemilihan binari dan algoritma gabungan cara-t) kelihatan banyak, berlebihan, dan tidak dioptimumkan....
3/9/20187/1/2012Abdul Haziq Abdul Razak
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